Monday, March 30, 2015

Some how

Some how you get into some sort of "leader" position. Either you are a leader of a group of mischievous Boy Scout because you are there for four years already. Or you are a leader of a group of logistic Army personnel, because you studied two years more and serve half a year more. Some how some where people get into some kind of "leader position" . Or you are the "Lead Recovery" in some Therapy group, or somehow you end up in some "Elite Ivory Tower". Or just that ....

Some real commercial leadership books are widely avialable in book store . Some even teach you some power theory. History still record much of the history of those who rule with might, like .Alexandra and .Gengis Khan. History show actually rule with might is the norm most of the time.

Greek also has some classic leaders. Not totally favour the Democracy, but seems more toward aritocracy , sound like some Elite Republic. Quite an advance Top even in A Level. teacher just recommended you some reference text book, do some reading and subscribe to  Times magazine. The more strong headed one will once again remember some moder answer. What is the topic really comes out, you will get full marks. But most student end up doese know much about what is really left and right. Guess belong to the "confuse type"

Chinese also propose some like of model too. Mostly are ancient sage king of the very old as the example.

Bible leaders are probably Moses and King David.

Nugget of Gold at the End of the Rainbow

Very impressive title for a book, may be inclined toward "Success Series" . Of course did not get it ownself, but from some Giant not too far away.

May be start with some successful Tip on Rebound, some get back tactic after some set back. Can be general set back or specific set back like loosing you life long pet Dog "Leslie".

"Rebound Series"

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sudden emotion out pour

Sudden emotion outpouring during the morning Church Service, when memory of late mr Lee was announounce. Did not know the huge emotional impact, may be  social and economical influence. But great emotion sadness not felt since the early day of Church Service. Indeed a great man that that rally left footprint in Singapore and world.

Previously, many feel Mr Lee  is not Chinese enough. Now may be too "Chinese ".

Friday, March 27, 2015

Hard C : u cannot always follow what i say you know, you are the boss know.

Dr N : what cannot follow, you are the founder and owner of the hospital  50 years ago.

Hard C : you have to have your own mind, say your own things cannot always copy mind, got copy right.

DR N : but that's what we know follow orders.

Hard C : at least do some thinking, and dun copy 100%.

Dr N. : ok I will upgrade, take another PHD

Hard C : at least better than nothing. Do some thinking. By today is my last official day, migrating to planet Agatha tommorrow 6am , no send off bye.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Order 55 : Soft Steel

Soft Steel
(25% - 25kg should be more than enough)

Yes we can

This is the victory speech of Obama.
Can also be the intro video of some motivation course.

Note : people outside America cannot really tell between republican and the Democrat. Looks the same to us.

" I also vote for no confidence"

This is not some real move.
But put of the statement the young queen made in the star war episode  one.

The old presiden chancellor  is down, and a new chief is up for the galatic republic.
This new chief will later be the bad emperor.
And the bad Jedi.

The mother ship of Naboo look really cool even after 10 year.
Remember the silvery space ship that the young queen drive ?
Sure got some real tactic for life since the movie title say "STAR WAR"
At least the the primitive tribe still can beat the robots battalion with some energy ball if the protective shield is down.

Sanctuary of the Lion of Judah

Sanctuary of the Lion of Judah

Sanctuary of the Ark of Covenant

Sanctuary of the Cross

Life is like a bowl of Tao Suan

Tis is the the famous local swimmer, but some sweet old desert in the market local.
It's kind of stick sweet fluid with some bean. Top up with a few Yao Zha Guai, a kind of chinese breakfast. Dun know whether you can get it in China. Probably another made in Singapore local desert.

The message original is from Forrest Gump movie. Original messiahs, is life is like a box of chocolate, you never knew what you get in the box. Probable only applicable to America fluent societ, or some middle class of the rest. Most people are still struggle for the food of the day, not really have the luxury of having Chococlate too often. This will surprise the America. Even in the so called advance country like Singapore, not everyone including the grads are "of the First World" many did not started out as the "Middle Class" . Even as of  21 century, most people 80% will be stating out as the " public housing " class.

So there is stil need of some class of up grading and training. May still be highly urgent, even as education is so common.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

There is always a bigger fish

There is always a bigger fish

This is a short message in Star War episode one. when the Two Jedi was chase by the Big fish in the water. Seems have some meaning. There is a Chinese saying call when the Praying Mantis was catching his Worm, the Sparrow is waiting behind. Seems got some relationship.

This the first time the R2-D2 show up to repair the Ship shield. Then the golden color communication Robot 3-PO will show up. When the Darth Vader are still a kids. the Speed-Bike Race is the high-light of the movie. there is a PC game just on the Race , quite interesting and of good standard. Quite old game. dun think you can find in shop. May be some old Website still have.

Monday, March 23, 2015

M. Falcon


ExTreme FriendLy

Exago tour

Hollywood :- Star War Tour (on-line Virtual)

Holy Land

First Ink

First Ink

Phase 2 - 60 Day Transformation

Conditioning over.

Some Strength Training .

Dieting up 1/2 level.

Strength up to 80% loading. Normal 3 Set.

Add some rest day.

Probably 1-3-5

with 1 day HIIT and Jogging

(real Training log 101)

Exercise Cut

Uncle Old Bird
Newbie X

Exercise Cut.

Uncle Old Bird : Finally over, can go back to my Store-house already. Still got many cargoes to clear. Go back office even more Jiat-lat, got to clear two shipment in one week.

Newbie X : Uncle ... Your company too busy is it. Need a helping hand or not. I got Diploma in Logistic, just quit my temp job as the Zoo ticket Seller. go vacancy, please take care of me.

Uncle Old Bird :  Got but need you to do some heavy work. think can, still young.

Newbie X : Thanks uncle. I follow you after book out. (Army also good so many people working in Jurong, not too worry about my next job. No need even look in news-paper... so easy ... heng ah ...)

book out Liao ...

Newbie X - Generation X Job Hopper.
Uncle Old Bird - Senior Cargo Manager

The Air Commander and his Strange Engineering Theory

The Air Commander and his Strange Engineering Theory

Still quite a long title, but will try to reduce to something simple but unique.

Semi Commercial Purpose.

Air Commander - Not the Air Force Air Plane, but GCE A Level - : "Air" Level

Commander - of course not the Big Star General.

Engineering - more of some "Social Engineering"

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Dr Goal and Mr Omama (Mentee)

Introducing some New Character for the PLAY.

Bush Canton Construction PTE LTD

Dr Goal : Are you sure you are leaving the company , you are my precious deputy for the past 5 years you know.

Mr Omama : I also dun want, my ex Army friend ask me to join share in his Cement Company. We got supply from Hokkein, very cheap only. Sure make money.

Dr Goal : Sure or not. Company invested in you , even pay for your MBA , now you say want to leave ?

Mr Omama : No lah, these day everything is profit, even Gov Scholar in America also want to break bond for a better future.

Dr. Goal : But make sure u dun come back again if the venture loose money.

Mr. Omama :  Sure make money one, can give u discount some more.

Dr. Goal : dun call ne Boss. Wish you good luck, Silver Hand-shake (making deal later).

(Mr Omama give a cheeky grin and drove off in his Toyota, he say he will comes back will a BMW series 7)

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Chapter Plan of the Game.

A more specific terms will be the tactic, game plan sound like some America football coach tools.
For other it's the methodology or formula and process for the more scientific people. Of course business plan on the paper is what a normal business should have. More comprehensive than a marketing plan. It is a rough idea how the business going to achieve its revenue target and what product and how it is going to be delivered to the customer. From a simple store business to huge network of chain restaurant , business plan is probably one of the larger on ein terms of scope and depth.

Chapter Game Plan

Total defence.
Not the big picture defence strategy. But personnel life plan, many executive made a living just giving out thier experience of life plan. In some place they are call Life Coach , some other place Teacher or Guide of Life. Still sound too grand to many. May be some sort of Consultant will be more appropriate, more business orientated and less offensive. Play defence right.

Stretch over quite some bit, all this blog writing may accumulated into series of ebooks, or even real books in prints. See some kid are quite impress by just some simple exercise move. See that SG high pressure cooker life style really damage  some of the kid natural ingenius. May be those free style educator are right, we are not here to "teach " the kid, but to uncover the potential they already have. This type of positive education style is still quite new to some part of the world. Just remember the dead poet society Robbie just pass on. Quite a old show, more than two decades. But the classic film still have some lasting values.

Total defence .... Play safe use the 4-4-2 tactic.
Weight training, old school progressing training.

Chapter Hotplate

The standard of Singapore food court these day are getting higher and higher. Passing by old Tiong Bahru MRT,  not exactly your high end high life venue. Surprise to see there is this Japan tepenyaki beside the  main entrance. Not those readily made Hotplate of cooked BBQ pork, but chef on the spot will do some knife spinning trick in front of you, those type. Of course the price are are two three notch up the normal food, but his restaurant cruisin are slowly but surely creeping into neighborhood town.

Lately , The Tiong  Bahru also comes into lime light. Both commercially and in public media. Many high end shops and niche business are setting up sale point here. Gone are , the old house plus char Kway Teow  image.Now, it's the prime time channel 8 sitcom show buz center.

Most surprisingly even some says it was voted into some big international resident award.Not too bad for a old neighborhood.

And what's the GAME PLAN ?

Cold Rice - Chapter 3 excerpt

This is a sample excerpt of the new ebook, again probably will be publish through Book Tango, a ebook publisher. The first book "First Ink" is almost out , doing some final edited and review. Getting some leak of the 2nd book out first. For the first book, some content is from the previous blog, so reader should be quite familiar. The blog was temporarily close for maintainence as the count hit 10,000. This blog content can be see as the continue or just another blog. Tentatively name all this a series " tale from lion City". So the chapter goes.  .....


Chapter 3 Cold Rice

The Cold war did not out break into some disaster, it's not the end of the world. The Russian did have some slight edge in technology, they sent the first man to Space. Russian military technology also seems more power robust and Soilder seems tough than GI. But the free market chaotic economy out last the well planned centralized economy. The market is always wet and in some mess, a clear and tidy market means the business is not doing very well.

Many will be surprise that the vocation of Captain Ronald Reagan is originally a Actor Communicator. The real cowboy instead of the "cowboy" from Texas. His predecessor is in truly Peanut Farming  Business, agriculture is really BIG in America. May be some dose of positivism will be good to this part of the world. Many may not take Reagan too seriously, but he really hold the key to the nuclear arsenal during the Cold war. Against all odd and the KGB russian train chief, the Reagan prevail until the iron curtain was smashed.

" to be continued"

Friday, March 20, 2015

The small cat and great nation

Really first time see the city cat catching the mice in the town, modern day 21 century.
 The mice got trapped in the corner, and the city cat just sit there waiting.
Dun know whether it is waiting for the final thrust with is claws and teeth or, really lost his instinct of his natural duty. May too comfortable with the canned food fed by the good auntie. Almost forget the Cat still chase the mouse. Saw the chasing, but the wait is too long.

China still produce quite good documentary, one of them is "rise of great nation". Showed in media corp before, but the depth and scope is really  big. Avialable in you tube. One of the "Great " is actually the not so big Holland. Basically rise to power by Trade and navy technology . It even more senior than the British Navy. The documentary brings up some point. Being merchant class rules, banking system. And also relatively small country can exert influence too, even at global scale.

Image Taiwan was once called Formosa also. And not known to many , Durch was the earlier ruler, before the Ming China send some troops to occupy, even it is just outside .

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Free Association and Manchurian

There is a topic in Phycology Old School which comes out with this Free Association. Coupling with some DIY Journaling , it may be a creative form of Mental well being tools. Considering the skepticism of seeing a mental Doc even in the modern age, this may be a effective tool in improving mental well being in todays society. Of course seems weird to associate this topic with Manchurians.

Some Chinese History.
Manchurian are not Han Chinese but rule the Central plain and the Last Imperial Dynasty of China. The more interestingly, its unlike the Mongolian Brutal rule, the North East People actually adopted much of the Chinese system and official. Basically these are people from the North East Region, which are quite Rich in Resource. Seems related to the fame Mongolian, suppose to be good at fighting. The Imperial Ming is actually going to an end as it becomes weaker and weaker. There is actually a out break of Civil War Rebel led be Lee that breaks even into the Capital Beijing. The Manchurian Force actually was blocked by a General Wu at the Borders. Legends Rumors says as that because of the Beauty Wu, the General Wu becomes the "Traitor of All Time " by let the the Manchurian into the Central Plain. The Rebel Lee was Defeated by the Manchurian,  and General Wu got a King Title and Province from the New Qing Emperor.

Friday, March 13, 2015

corprate jungle - scene 2

Rocky : we will remake the company, we will beat the rival.

Asst direct michelle : sure or not boss ( real boss) , the rival is a listed MNC you know, we are independent financial advisory. There marketing workshop is at orchard hotel you know. Our sale meeting is at pair sprigs ntuc shelle club u know.

Rocky : we will prevail . First you got all upgrade you computer to latest Window 10, at your own cost. And sale quota will up by 50 %.

Asst Director Michelle: sure or not boss. Now got new law you know, this cannot call that cannot call. Company got sue and fine how.

Rocky : cannot call? Never mind all team go to HDB and do Door Knocking, at least twice per week, team manager takes the lead.

Director Michelle : boss sure or not. We are not vaccumm cleaner sale man ok. We got cert and MBA one you know. We are Profession Financial Planner .CFP you know , CFP leh, very pro one leh ...

Rocky : we will prevail .. ( we will rule with STEEL)

.....(session 2)

Rocky: after some pondering .... And some suggestion by the deputy,  the management comes out with a Plan B . And Plan C . After much consider , mainly during to,security reason, we also propose Plan B, a new Office System Made Switzeland....

Michelle director : sir it's Sweden , not switzerland.

rocky : ok plan B Made in Sweden , but it's not finger print entrance.

rocky and Plan C : is the old Hong Kong system.  We will use democracy voting system , although I own the company.. Lets vote.....


Result : Sweden system 50 %

Vietnam finger print : 40 %

Old hong kong sys: 10 %

rocky : we will prevail .

The history we never know - imperial to warlord

May start a small short series , and write some missing episode on Vietnam and world war 2.

Imperial Qing of the late was mostly view as weak and always loosing war and giving way territory. But from some drama series even the puppet emperor is very eager to reform, even got lock up due to some aggressive stance. And few minister are actually quite modern and efficient. Built a whole fleet of modern navy woth moredern warship, actually bigger in size than the japs. And the steel production factory are actually producing steel, of what quality  dun know. But producing real steel for modern rail road. And much of the modernization is actually carried out in the hand of the real power Empress, not really too evil as the Hong Kong drama always potray as.

It's not really Republic also with Dr Sun temporary as president for a while. A general yuan with real miliatary strength was in power then, but not too long. It then some time of " smaller" warlord, until another General came into the big Scene. not too long also, as the ww2 Japanese invasion and some civil war then. Quite confusing for new beginner, but this is the real case. Of course the magnitude and number is much bigger that SG. And somewhat different from the familiar hong hong drama version.

( this are heavier stuff than the " talk show". And may be unfamiliar to many.)

SG is still center of the world for most people here.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Rise of nation and maradonna speak spannish

Or should be title as Brazillian in the Town.

Rise of the nation is not one of those computer war that is popular years back. It's a strategy PC game the simulate fighting chess board in the computer age. Like early age of empire and series of newer RTS game.

There is also another chinese documentary , still avialable on you tube. But include the GREAT nation, meaning some bigger counter which exercise more global influence. You must imagine big "empire" like Russian ....really big land mass, or advance US the A. Actually they are consider new bird junior on the world map. The story actually start with much smaller country. Spannish, which people just remember the the Raging Bull Game, Portugese - some best pie tartbare from portugese, and Holland the dutch bank and philips electronic  still quite big firm these days. But still relatively small and seems to be just one of the many europe country. In fact due to its locale, south west of Europe , meaning more accessible to the sea. The documentary actually say they really one of the first few that rule the world.

South American actually speak spannish or Portuguese.

Power Walk + Jogging




Steel ship with artillery

It's not Chinese junk after all.
Even at its low of brink of collasp, the late Qing dynasty is quite capable.
It even has a modern fleet of navy call north ocean fleet.
Judging from the tv drama, it's those new more navy frigate, can see that door is those stell type with circular lock. It also resemble modern navy than the old Chinese sailing junk. Indeed it size is larger than the Japan navy ship. Can see the imperial also put substantial fipund on building modern navy defence. Some book also argue that much of the modern facility like the rail road and steel factory are developing fast during that era.

N 5 flower

Team Energizer

Director Rocky : we shall prevail against the big corporate insurer opposite our street. We shall install finger print entrance system for our company.

Asst director Michelle Yeo : sir sir .. We are only a small financial planing coming  , very limited budget for hardware upgrade.

Rocky : no worry we will out source to a Vietnam tech company, they say it's 50% cheaper than the market rate.

Michelle : sure or not, these day Vietnam also has high tech company. Sure they can do those secret service finger print technology. What if we all got lock up.

Director Rocky : we must always upgrade to win this battle. As the book of business war always say, if we cannot win them we join them. Just need to copy thier business model. Ok this month business report. We will start from team Alonso .

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

End of Scene Z1

Bang Bang Bang

Bang Bang Boom

Exercise Bonanza - Objective Z1 , Cheese Burger Hill 141

The Fire Power Ration is 1.5 to 1, and man power Ratio is 0.5 to 2.0 .
Full Tactical Advantage and Surprise Element.
Enemy totally eliminate , Zero Casualty incurred.

AIA Chua : Bang Bang Bang

Shoot Bird Lim : Bang Bang Bang  .杀 。。。 杀。。。 杀。。。

Moderator : Good Job Guys . All hostile force terminated . Good Job.

AIA Chua : Sir Sure or Not  Two person can kill all .

Moderator : Of course not only two person. You are just one of the Chess Piece.

AIA Chua : What Chess piece . We are INFANTRY not chess piece.

Shoot Bird Lim - No Sir say we are like the 象棋  Just need to follow order and shoot . No need to think to much. The enemy 应该都被大炮打死了 (Mandarin enemy all kill by the Rocket Canon)

Moderator : Ok all rest for a while. and go for the next objective

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Secret weapon 101

Secret weapon 101

Encik Padang (Rocket) - 84 mm Recoilless Canon (Support Infantry Artillery)

Nameless Elite (whole face camouflage, cannot recognize - Army New Elite Sniper.)

800 m away

Company HQ signal Set.

Moonlight HQ  : Honey Bee ...Calling Honey Bee  ...

Honey Bee (special force - "secret weapon") : Yes Moonlight ... Roger over ...

Moonlight HQ : Honey bee please stand by at you position  .... XYZ coordinate ...... Stand By full alert. Enemy ETA 30 mins ...full power engage at will ... over ...

Honey Bee : Roger ....confirm XYZ locale .... ETA 30 minutes and Engage ....

Moon light HQ : Confirm and Proceed ..... (Signal Off silence ....)

30 mins later ...

Bang Bang Bang .... Bang Bang Bang ...

Boom Boom (sound of small artillery)

Moderator n enemy

In exercise there is no real enemy, but sometime the are some super old bird will act as the "enemy troop"

Moderator are not in the fight they are the one who "say" who will live and who die.

Reach objective, small hill - cheese burger 141

Bravodo lim : ok guys.... We reach cheese burger 141 already. See on the right side the small hill there ...

Man and section - yes boss ... Only a small hill what, got tree for shade ... Good place for some rest ....

Bravodo lim : intelligence says that there will be three "enemy truck" passing by along this trek one hour later.   AIA Tan and shoot-bird Chua , got hide behind that tree at cheese burger hill for AMBUSH.

AIA Tan : boss ... Sure or not  .. Two person ambush 3 enemy trucks of troops.

Bravodo Lim : dun Argue, very good spot, just make sure the enemy dun see you. We support you from the back. I will put One more GPMG  KK Tan on the other side, dun worry. We support u from the back .... Go go.

AIA Tan : sure or not boss .. Like that sure " die" one .. Zhen Zhao GAO ( mandarin)

Shoot Bird Chua - Shi Zhan Guan ... Wo zhe jiao qu. .. Mei wen ti .... Bao zhai wo Shen Shang. ...( mandarin .... Yes boss, no problem here I go ... Count on me ....)  没问题。。 长官。。包在我身上。。。。

Go ... Go ... Go ...

One hour later ....

bang bang bang ...bang .... Bang...  ( simulated fire fight)

Story line 5

(Disclaimer - This is a fictional conversation and scenario)

Exercise Bonanza start.

Advance troop move out.

Main troop move out.

The Small Talk

Bravodo Lim - here we go again same old shit again. Seems like a endless and meaningless training walking in this hot sun tropic forest trek. Last week, I am still in the Shenton way level 11 corner office attending meeting. Now in this sweaty green uniform with the heavy rifle.
( Bravodo " where got time" Lim . Section 2 commander "Super Bird" Platoon )

KK Tan ( GPMG  gunner) : boss , u complaint what ?!!  my gear got 12 kg you know. You only have a rifle and a small signal set. And so many Man under you to do things.

Bravodo Lim - yes of course, yours is the heaviest. But in real fire fight still need u all for fire covering. If not really dun know how to tackle. (Think inside - my rifle like not enough fire power).  I read those magazine see all the bad guy uses the big round AK-47,  really scary.

KK Tan - yah loh .. Real war dun know how to fight. See the Taliban always carry those small rocket RPG-7 around. Looks more power than ours. Russian made weapon looks like better one.

Bravodo lim - you cannot compare the size. Quality and accuracy counts also.

KK Tan - ....sure or not boss.....

( .... Just Keep walking ....under the hot sun .....)

Reaching first objective .

Army Slice - bits and pieces

Army is actually name of the land troop operating on the ground. Attack helicopter like apache should be consider ground army as its use for ground support. As oppose to other army on sea , the .navy and Air force.

Military training is not all action and blood. Even in combat unit, most of the time is preparing logistic, brief and update, range - practice rifle shooting. A two to three weeks training may have only three to five days of real miliatary exercise. Of course there is always this test the fame IPPT, it's actually usually consider a more relax session relatively. Becos you can attend in lightest attire, just pt kit. Sometime after an main miltary exercise, the later IPPT at the end make you feel you can fly, without all the heavy gears and rifles.

Range - an army term referring to the rifle shooting training facility. Also another more " relax session" becos half of the time, you spend there just waiting for your turn. And the real shoot are mostly stationary in various position, except some short runs towards the target. These days, many are automated mechanically.

Marks man - those the score high in this rifle shooting.
Boo boo Shooter - those guys that just cannot hit the target.

Hard truth says

Hard Truth say ....

Still got to draw strength from some where.
No matter how CN is still a big resource for soft and hard stuff. Imagine the Shanghai cityscape is built in one decades, tremendous wonders.

Some past incident in late Qing. Much of the funds that suppose to goes to the Navy went to some imperial Garden. Kind of mismanage. Result in humiliating defeat to smaller japs navy.

Some interpretation.
Still got to do Some TRAINING ( not neccessary Swimming)

From 84 kg to 78 kg

From 84 kg to 78 Kg

Exer bonanza

Pre exercise brief.

RSM Xiong : Congo before your move out for this 4 day exercise, dun forget to message me you cousin contact for the family chain restarant. And I got secret information direct from G7 to tell you. Confirm big picture solution.

Congo Cheong : sir, sure or not . I ask my old classmate, a teacher in social study  also cannon answe me....

RSM Xiong : confirm accurate infomation intelligence, no cross fire , dun worry. It's a P
HD solution answer. Just remember,  Just Do It for your country, by Fei Wash. In the book of three kingdom.

Congo Cheong : Sir it's You Do for you Country, and the Country will do for you. Its George Washing, not Wash. The book is Romance of three Kingdom general Yue Fei.

RSM Xiong : wah! How come u can remember all the name and book. You know you ask me for what.

Congo Cheong : Sir ... My question a bit more complex. Also got how to deal with the Inclusive thing.

RSM : what Inclusive Exclusive. You mean the Army give you all the SAFRA club not enough ah. Got Jacuzzi one you know, but thing got discount also. ... See me camel pack... 50% percent offer than the royal sport house. You mean you  Club exclusive membership. Very premium you know, oly for VIP u know.

Congo Cheong : sir not exclusive membership. It's INCLUSIVE.

RSM Xiong : I dun care I pass u the message, you pass me the contact. And dun  forget life is like a bowl of Dao Suan.

.......exercise start already.

RSM Xiong : ok ok got to go already ...exercise start .....just dun forget me message the contact .....may the Force be with you....

Congo Cheong : may the force be with you start...

Not too long ago.. Not too far far away ....

exercise BONANZA begin
Exercise Bonaza begin

Monday, March 9, 2015

Dr. B.P. and Xiong

( disclaimer : a fiction script for some drama sketch/ skid)

Dr. BP, The Big Picture

Dr. B.P.  : Hi everyone I am Dr. BP, The Big Picture. Observer from Mindef G7. I got a PHD degree in Finance,  London College of Economy. I am getting my next "Crab" if this Exercise Bonanza got good grading.

RSM Xiong having pre-meeting Coffee Time with Dr BP.

RSM Xiong - Sir , you should come to my Alfonso Italian Café, just beside my Tiong Bahru Swimming Club. I just order 20 bag of South Chile Mountain Coffee Bean. Will Brew you a few special cup.

Dr. B.P. - Doing quite well outside ah. So fast got 2nd business unit unit establish already ah. I also planning to invest in some side business - Got Sign Board Restaurant in Bedok East. Give me some advice at the next CAFE session.

RSM Xiong - Sir but I got some Chim Question from my Junior commander.

Dr. BP - dun Worry, I got All the Big Picture. And also the PHD. I did all the Planning, nothing can escape from my eagle eye. So whats UP encik.

RSM Xiong - The Men ask something ask defense the land and Being Inclusive. I am confuse also.

Dr. BP - Wah really quite Chim. Not inside my PHD course material, not in the Planning Agenda also. Let me see. (Sipping the Coffee C).

...According to the Westpoint Military Academy and Romance of Three Kingdom...

..let me see ... ( sipping coffee C)

...and the Book of Making Hard Choice .... ( sipping coffee C)

... may be you can try the Do for your Country and Country will do for You ... by Washington.

...Or you can try the General Yue Fei and the Dumpling Festival ....

...Or Just tell you Guy the LIFE is a BOX of Chocolate .....Singapore term Life is a Bowl of Dao Suan .... Some Dao Suan Really Nice ... Some Dao Suan too Sweet .....

RSM Xiong - I think Life is a Box of Chocolate is easier.

... To be continue ...

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Story Line 3

Ang Pin Xiong  - RSM Ex-Special Force. Currently Head of Swimming Coach Tiong Bahru Swimming Club, cum Italian Café Owner.

Congo Cheong - Sir Got a question to ask you Sir - We come back camp to train so hard in the start of the Year. And the Market these days got so many foreign talent. Are we going to "Defend the Land with with Life" or be " Inclusive"

Ang PX -  Wah ... Mr Cheong Dun ask such a Chim Question Leh. Last time during training in the early days. I also ask my Seagent, Why must we carry the Bunk Bed run around the Parade. Is it become Army got no budget, my uncle is a Tae Kwando Coach,  got Some Weights in his gym, need to T-Loan to the Camp or Not. My Seargent  say  its just part of the Training dun Ask too much question. May be when some Mindef HQ Observer is Here , you can ask them directly.

Cheong - But Sir Sir, dun you think that this kind of equality is actually not Equality.

Ang PX - Aiya dun ask to much .... Get to fall in already. Go back to the bunk and settle in first GO Go  GO ...dun ask too much.

Cheong -- Sir Sir .... see you later ( walk back to bunk slowly and confuse)

Basic Thinking 123

Some old auntie sometime say "Ah Boy grow up already , know how to think already". This usually refer to some maturity mature mature thinking - "Ripe already" ( like the fruit is Ripe). Different from some school academic teaching on technical skill.

Academic also dwell in this area. Like those Buzan Mind Maps and Edward De Bono which is more academic and Corporate. Some idea that is from the expert.

Laziness Method - Just leave things as it is. Quite Passive, but who know the Next may be worst.
Sleep Over it - Kind of bury under the Carpet, buy some time. May be things will turn out better Tomorrow. Tactically its call Hold.

Rebounce - Any things goes up must comes down. Anything round ball hit the ground will bounce back.

NLP - There is really this new Phycology for Performance thinking. Each author has their own version interpretation and application.

De Bono - Really has a General Thinking Skill. Even a whole certified course of Effective Thinking. Some idea like PMI - Plus Minus and Interesting.

Creative - Some Disney expert suggest do some base knowledge read up. Wait for a while. May be some good ideas or even solution will comes up.

Team Brain Storm

Storyline 2

Bravado lim

Corporate jungle

Bravodo lim : according to the book of Rat Maze , by now I should be a assistance director of the plant, why am I writing production report early first thing in the morning. According to the 7 habit of efficient manager, I should have my team completed and qualify this month production, I should be drinking coffee with the client now. Why.

Secretary Rolls Royce : I have approve your exercise jungle. Hope you come back in one piece.

Bravodo lim : thanks. Hope you cover my duty this two week. Need time to think through my production project too. Quality always cannot hit target. May be some sun burn will help.

In camp book in

Bravodo lim : these days every think so hi tech, even army uses finger print recognition. What next .... Heard breakfast got ice cream these days.... Got to be trying to buy our loyally. Loyalty....where got time ......

Target Training Solution and Consulting 2

4 week plan, Muscle and Fitness



Saturday, March 7, 2015

Disclaimer - Just another Storyline

Disclaimer - Just another Storyline

Prelaunch of Luxury Alexia and Exercise Bonaza
 - YOU GOT TO MAKE A CHOICE ( When there is no choice)


Location : Bustling Bukit Timah Branch Office

Time : Just Finish CNY Company dinner, still celebrating with colleagues. Wishing each other a HUAT Year ahead. ( around spring 2005 Singapore)

Mood - High ..coming back to normal ( going low)

Incident Trigger : Just receive some "Official Letter" for  "Some OFFICIAL TRAINING"

Part 1 /1 - Monologue Preview Scene 1

Congo Cheong - Marketing Manager, Luxury Condominium "Alexia" cum GPMG Gunner, Infantry Platoon "Super Bird".

Congo Cheong : What the fish Letter again, I thought I just went for my IPPT. Three Weeks High Key Exercise BONAZA ??!!! 真糟糕。Got to check with my Director whether will clash with the 2nd Phase Project Launch Meeting Or Not.

Ring Ring.

Mr MM Mambo P Ng - a Ex Logistic Officer and Project Director "Alexia".

Mr MM Mambo Ng : So sorry Exactly the same date. You got to make a choice - Are You with me the Company Bowl Rice, or You want to Serve Your Country. Of course you got no Choice . Got to Cancel your appointment already, becos its Really a Important Big Phase Two Launch for the Company. I will SURE let you go to let you to enjoy the Tropic Sunshine.

Congo Cheong - 真糟糕 . Another Chance for the Indonesian Deputy manager to score  point. Hope he leave some credit to me. This is my project, 75% finish already and he is going finish it for Me. What the Fish.
(希望这次的 Exercise Training Exercise B 可以减 2 Kg , Got to THINK POSITIVE that's what I teach the New Bird)

Next - Report to GF Charmaine Xiu  5

Revenue Model
Part 1 - 50 You Tube 50 DVD. With books
Part 2/3 - 20/80
bonus - book 2/3

soft reference

general random

seems weird that with the huge increase in population SG. The demography still remain almost the same, figuratively. But met many others, from Portuguese Speaking Brazilian strolling in the park  to Russian mother playing with kids in the playground.

Of course you always get some you Holland Guy and his girl-friend  travelling the world in back pack. The even met some one saying he is from middle east , guess IRAQ. Further more he say he used to serve in the Army. When are which side , he say under Hussein side. Nearly faint. ( he say currently study a master in Malaysia

Friday, March 6, 2015

flow and good things coming

Flow is a relative new concept in Phycology. Kind of one of the key those New Phycology Champion by some academic Professor. Some call it Positive Phycology , emphasizing the positive effect and Performance thinking. Instead of the more traditional way of curing the bad. Phycology is still a relatively new field of "Science", combining some old philosophy and new works of some thinker.

For some aspect, if thing are done step by step in procedure process. With good continuity, should be considered as some flow. Of course the mechanical world of machine can never achieve that of fluid flow like water or gas. At least most part is function well is considered good enough.


Division can be a department of a big corporate.

In army military term it's one of the bigger fighting units, involving tonnes of logistic.
Most war are fought on the basis of division fighting unit.

CN is so big that that the division is often count in more than two digits.
According to some standard world war 2 Europe allied force, general Patton command an army corp of probably three division, and a new armour tank division. In addition a special air borne 101 division. Actually a big force of British and Russian force are involve in ww2 Europe. But not totally documented and presented as the USA you tube.

Guess this is the limit of discusion. Can be consider as technical military history. Quite neutral if read for some tactical and strategic move point of view.

Beyond that. .........

Not so simple and a easier way

Of course things are not so simple today.
Judging from the forecast of shanghai composite index, going to rise about 20% this year. The bull run will continue many more to comes. Of course over heating will bound to result in some adjustment. And if not handle probably some sort of MAJOR adjustment.

Guess today is not so simple as combination of Shanghai and canton capitalism seems has surpass that of New York and Ca.ifornia Combine. It still going on even as the red flag is stil hanging around during some major meetings. Quite a paradox that bewilder the smartest scholar. But CN is so huge that you can get a super genius shanghai rocket Sciencetist , as well as country side acrobat talent that can juggle kitchen knife.

For SG there is seems some easier way ....

Some steel and bronze little

Still need some steel even in the modern 21st century City.
You suppose people had develop in a better person.
Bible is quite honest, not too much good indeed.

The top philosopher does not totally favourite democracy and freedom, even in the western Greek.
Hitler the tyrant is produce out of a democratic system.
If its a system, sure there is a way for some to beat it.

Some policing around will maintain at least some social order.
For civil social side, actually much can be done.
Just 10% of 1 million active citizen.
And extra 1 hour of physical stuff will generate much more kinetic energy.

And quality wise Bronze should be the lowest standard in term of quality.
Sort of B grade will do.
Should be ok before ....... ....... .........

You got to take on

First is to take on the FROG MAN...

Current the hot boy of the town.
Still quite green from BMT , but ready for some tactical stuff.
And many sea borne skill.
Probably one of the fittest among special force, dur to water resistance.

Met some Diver train guy during army, among the infantry squard.
Look the most ordinary one around.
No big bulk muscle, or cheesy handsome face.
Guess the civilian job, he say he run Chicken shop in the wet market.
Sound to far contrary to the heroic special force.

Then there is this nice nice police.
Nice nice but still got to do his basic duty.

And there is always this TKD black belt among the people.
When the aunties play Tajik for keep fit early here in the morning.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Physical Training and some consulting

The Complete 4-Week Beginner's Workout Program

EQ Audio book

HIIT Exercise

Target Training Solution and Consulting

Target Training Solution and Consulting
Kickstart 123

General suitable for people starting out or some mid career people and was in transition trying to pickup again. The material is loosely base on some motivation book and performance workshop which popular in the Market. Also some Physical training is involve as ENERGY is one of the Success Factor. And writer has some Military Infantry and Rebounce Experience. Hopefully the material and writing are Hopefully work out something in real-life. If not,  may keep your activity busy for some Times.

Some old School Stuff are highly recommended. Thanks to IT technology and YouTube Video, some good stuff are available openly to most people.

Basic Performance Training 123

Power of Positive Thinking
A very old School Motivation book, Available in  audio book, youtube.

Unlimited Power  and Awaken the Giant. Tony Robin
Relatively new school of performance Phycology, Mainly NLP and some Performance Thinking.

Phycology Crash Course.
This is the Latest short Course available on You Tube. Good for General knowledge and update on current Phycology development. Quite a good production with ample material about 30 episode of 10min short video course.

Training and Exercise.
Some speaker emphasize on energy level. A good Physical Level will add too over-all performance.

Non Gym - Indoor or Outdoor

Basic 5BX
Push-up x20
Jumping Jack 2x8
Squat and Lunge 2x8
Jogging 2 small round.
Short Interval Run x2

This one circuit is repeated 3 cycle. Will help on the physical side. Not to demanding and adjust for your own Physical condition.

Casual Exercise

If you have access to gym or neighborhood Sport and Recreation .For Singapore, the Entrance is Just $2.50.

Basic Gym
Just play around if you are new to gym.
A few set of Dumbbell Curl and Machine Press will do.
Start small and Light, rest in between.
And do some cardio exercise on the station cycle or treadmill.

a 4 week plan

Some meal plan
or jus go banana

When Singapore River is in Color Black

When Singapore  River is in Color Black.

And fishes still swim under fort canning hill.
When people these days que up for Shrek in the sentosa universal studio, there was a time when people que for fish in the aquarium under fort canning hill. Quite a exotic trip in the early days, with the Van Cleef Aquarium have some exotic collection of color fish that really attract people's eyeball. The old national theatre also alway standing strong performing various show, even is the facilities pale to moden high tech sound system.

Pass by River Valley road seeing the old swimming pool is now some event avenue, probably foursome night entertainment. Cannon t foret it's a place for some gruesome swim trainning for some life saving cert. part of the boy scout activity.

May be its a rare privilege elite for a few to have a chance to taste the Singapore River.
Even more stunning is there is a annual even of DIY Boat making and sailing. Quite a big even becos you got a chance to swim in the Singapore river. The rule is not there yet in the early days. And the school is just beside the river, you guess it's River Valley. Th guys will till up some empty drums and fill up all the inner tyres of truck and head for a real swim in SingPore river.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

General,random journal

Kind of festive mood for SG, a long season of BBQ pork and endless meetup.
Too overdose for most people, many will ends up with some flu dur high heaty stuff and long and tiring visit. Even the corporate catch much of the mood, with even kindergarten are fill will drums and lion dance. Small children singing HUAT ah.

Ultimate Weight Management Plan

Kind of the Brutal version.
Fast for two days.
 Eat at 50% for the other 5 days.

Eat bananas and drink lots of water.
Should be quite effective even if just two week.
Will see result in 30 days.

And the exercise part of 2 session of exercise per day.
40 min with one session of High intensity.

Not really advise to try this , unless you have some advance strong will power and some knowledge.

Non proper motivation

Not a proper place for motivation, there is another blog site for training material.
But do mention a few, and some links.
Some corporate quite admire those Les Brown Speech, some positive impact especially for the marketing division. Some even employ profession trainer for corporate internal workshop. At least kick start some business season through programmes and speeches.
There are some brand too which are quite good.

May be a good compilation in video form, with some repeated watch.
Could result with some phenomenal


. Of course the old school SG dream which is quite materialistic is the fame 5C.
Now people are playing music in theatre and conquering snow mountain. Most are social still considering career business success and happy family life as the GOAL and Purpose. Actually there is nothing wrong with that. In fact more classic Chinese philosophy is even more ambitious beyond family. Adding some social dimension to the Dream.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Target Health and Fitness Solution

Target Health and Fitness Solution (S'pore)
project 4.6-2015
Plan A
Proper Gym
Plan B
Dumbell and  Jogging
Plan C - Hit It Anywhere
Non Gym Anywhere HIIT Interval Work-out
Supplement B
Diet C
Theory 1


30 days Health and Fitness Plan (General fitness, normal and Short)

Non Gym Exercise
HIIT - Interval Exercise (indoor and Outdoor)

Push up x20
Jumping Jack x20
Burpees x20
Crunch x40
Short run about 50m (interval Run)

Repeat 5 Time (1 session 20 mins)
Beginner - Low Intensity
Intermediate - Medium Intesity (+50%)
Advance - High Intensity (+100% with Sprinting)

Gym 2.0

Victorious Performance Solution

Victorious Performance Solution (S'pore)
Thinking Software Standard
Creative Solution
Logic and Performance
ver 2.0
Project 4-2015
Recommended Material and Reference
Tutorial - Audio book, Business 1

Audio book - old school

Audio book - Some creativity

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Strongman little

Endurance sport athelete does not looks too good. After two years of tough training of pounding the road day after days, swearing like a good bath. The guy end up looks like a mal nutrition skinny bones. Of course you check the heart beat is perfectly good and fitness of top level.

The guy that just spend 3 month in the gym carry weight.
Often skip session due to busy work.
 Can only afford 2-3 session per week.
Just lift about 2-3 set of steel. Not much sweat after the 10 kg dumb bell lift.

The more on one will top up with 15 min cardio on station bike.
Sweat a little.
Quite a total exercise.
Look bulks up and strong.

Rise of the strong little.
Better if in s small group

Training 123
HIIT interval exercise.

Random thought of flow little

At least should get the basic spelling correct.
That's becomes thoughts.
May be the least corrupted writing form and style.
Hopefully half of the people can roughly understand.

Introduce some flow too.
At least get to the three point direct.
May or may not have introduction and conclusion.
May add some fact support and diagram.

And may be some FORMULA.
Kind of sciencetifically done.
At leat some logically.
There is some thing call herustic, something like direct access thinking.

You have a dream ( SG version)

Many thought that you have a dream if you are in new York city. Many SG people will be surprise that there are many living off the street out there in winter time in us big apple. For sure the over capitalist system means and social welfare system is actually much complete in SG. SG still keeps many " socialist" system eating from the big pot, making sure at least everyone have food to,eat and roof to live. The Chinese family network system make sure you get some Ang pow every new year.

May be SG should get the best of the both world. Westernization is mean modernization. Westernization still means path to affluent and prestige. Many Chinese helicopter may argue that. But even in china mainland great wall of china are already serving star back cafe. And early in time, even the China top mandarin elite even suggest total westernization, see how bad the situation was.

Practically there is this America dream where it is not even well define in US. Some background info is start by the civil right movement in the America 60s.  Many local SG may have not heard of it, the closest you get is some modern time Obama presidential speech. Of much more flamboyant agreesive speech compare to any Asian leaders. Seems that you can just achieve anything if you put your mind on it.

Form power of positive thinking to new psyche tool of strategy. Seems success is much encourage compare to the humble eastern mindset.

Quite a wired society too, stuff with much positive motivation here here and there.