Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Life is like a bowl of Tao Suan

Tis is the the famous local swimmer, but some sweet old desert in the market local.
It's kind of stick sweet fluid with some bean. Top up with a few Yao Zha Guai, a kind of chinese breakfast. Dun know whether you can get it in China. Probably another made in Singapore local desert.

The message original is from Forrest Gump movie. Original messiahs, is life is like a box of chocolate, you never knew what you get in the box. Probable only applicable to America fluent societ, or some middle class of the rest. Most people are still struggle for the food of the day, not really have the luxury of having Chococlate too often. This will surprise the America. Even in the so called advance country like Singapore, not everyone including the grads are "of the First World" many did not started out as the "Middle Class" . Even as of  21 century, most people 80% will be stating out as the " public housing " class.

So there is stil need of some class of up grading and training. May still be highly urgent, even as education is so common.

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