Saturday, March 7, 2015

Disclaimer - Just another Storyline

Disclaimer - Just another Storyline

Prelaunch of Luxury Alexia and Exercise Bonaza
 - YOU GOT TO MAKE A CHOICE ( When there is no choice)


Location : Bustling Bukit Timah Branch Office

Time : Just Finish CNY Company dinner, still celebrating with colleagues. Wishing each other a HUAT Year ahead. ( around spring 2005 Singapore)

Mood - High ..coming back to normal ( going low)

Incident Trigger : Just receive some "Official Letter" for  "Some OFFICIAL TRAINING"

Part 1 /1 - Monologue Preview Scene 1

Congo Cheong - Marketing Manager, Luxury Condominium "Alexia" cum GPMG Gunner, Infantry Platoon "Super Bird".

Congo Cheong : What the fish Letter again, I thought I just went for my IPPT. Three Weeks High Key Exercise BONAZA ??!!! 真糟糕。Got to check with my Director whether will clash with the 2nd Phase Project Launch Meeting Or Not.

Ring Ring.

Mr MM Mambo P Ng - a Ex Logistic Officer and Project Director "Alexia".

Mr MM Mambo Ng : So sorry Exactly the same date. You got to make a choice - Are You with me the Company Bowl Rice, or You want to Serve Your Country. Of course you got no Choice . Got to Cancel your appointment already, becos its Really a Important Big Phase Two Launch for the Company. I will SURE let you go to let you to enjoy the Tropic Sunshine.

Congo Cheong - 真糟糕 . Another Chance for the Indonesian Deputy manager to score  point. Hope he leave some credit to me. This is my project, 75% finish already and he is going finish it for Me. What the Fish.
(希望这次的 Exercise Training Exercise B 可以减 2 Kg , Got to THINK POSITIVE that's what I teach the New Bird)

Next - Report to GF Charmaine Xiu  5

Revenue Model
Part 1 - 50 You Tube 50 DVD. With books
Part 2/3 - 20/80
bonus - book 2/3

soft reference

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