Sunday, March 1, 2015

You have a dream ( SG version)

Many thought that you have a dream if you are in new York city. Many SG people will be surprise that there are many living off the street out there in winter time in us big apple. For sure the over capitalist system means and social welfare system is actually much complete in SG. SG still keeps many " socialist" system eating from the big pot, making sure at least everyone have food to,eat and roof to live. The Chinese family network system make sure you get some Ang pow every new year.

May be SG should get the best of the both world. Westernization is mean modernization. Westernization still means path to affluent and prestige. Many Chinese helicopter may argue that. But even in china mainland great wall of china are already serving star back cafe. And early in time, even the China top mandarin elite even suggest total westernization, see how bad the situation was.

Practically there is this America dream where it is not even well define in US. Some background info is start by the civil right movement in the America 60s.  Many local SG may have not heard of it, the closest you get is some modern time Obama presidential speech. Of much more flamboyant agreesive speech compare to any Asian leaders. Seems that you can just achieve anything if you put your mind on it.

Form power of positive thinking to new psyche tool of strategy. Seems success is much encourage compare to the humble eastern mindset.

Quite a wired society too, stuff with much positive motivation here here and there.

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