Sunday, May 21, 2017

There is this Gnome Project about this Human Gene.
Should Ask the Biology Major Guy.
Not really my expertise.

but Since its Bio Life Science, It concern Everyone including the Animals and Plants. consent the Potatoes Species Too.

There is like 23,000 Genes For Human.
Something like those Chromosome, D.N.A. Helix Bridge Stuff.
Bio is not so advance then yet , so need some Update.
It is 2003, many years already. Life Science already a Big Industry and GNC a Big Chain Store.

but just knew there is 4 Code in a Gene D.N.A.
Yes the Spiral Bridge Things.

Call it Pop Bio . DIY Study.
May be Controversial to some.
Whether u believe in Egg First Theory. or. Chicken First Theory.
Both Side are Fighting Fierce.
No Worries For Chinese. dynasties comes and Goes Rise and Fall. Life Goes round In Cycle.
It is OK for Spiral Helix DNA.

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