Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Secret weapon 101

Secret weapon 101

Encik Padang (Rocket) - 84 mm Recoilless Canon (Support Infantry Artillery)

Nameless Elite (whole face camouflage, cannot recognize - Army New Elite Sniper.)

800 m away

Company HQ signal Set.

Moonlight HQ  : Honey Bee ...Calling Honey Bee  ...

Honey Bee (special force - "secret weapon") : Yes Moonlight ... Roger over ...

Moonlight HQ : Honey bee please stand by at you position  .... XYZ coordinate ...... Stand By full alert. Enemy ETA 30 mins ...full power engage at will ... over ...

Honey Bee : Roger ....confirm XYZ locale .... ETA 30 minutes and Engage ....

Moon light HQ : Confirm and Proceed ..... (Signal Off ..radio silence ....)

30 mins later ...

Bang Bang Bang .... Bang Bang Bang ...

Boom Boom (sound of small artillery)

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