Friday, March 20, 2015

The small cat and great nation

Really first time see the city cat catching the mice in the town, modern day 21 century.
 The mice got trapped in the corner, and the city cat just sit there waiting.
Dun know whether it is waiting for the final thrust with is claws and teeth or, really lost his instinct of his natural duty. May too comfortable with the canned food fed by the good auntie. Almost forget the Cat still chase the mouse. Saw the chasing, but the wait is too long.

China still produce quite good documentary, one of them is "rise of great nation". Showed in media corp before, but the depth and scope is really  big. Avialable in you tube. One of the "Great " is actually the not so big Holland. Basically rise to power by Trade and navy technology . It even more senior than the British Navy. The documentary brings up some point. Being merchant class rules, banking system. And also relatively small country can exert influence too, even at global scale.

Image Taiwan was once called Formosa also. And not known to many , Durch was the earlier ruler, before the Ming China send some troops to occupy, even it is just outside .

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