Saturday, March 21, 2015

Cold Rice - Chapter 3 excerpt

This is a sample excerpt of the new ebook, again probably will be publish through Book Tango, a ebook publisher. The first book "First Ink" is almost out , doing some final edited and review. Getting some leak of the 2nd book out first. For the first book, some content is from the previous blog, so reader should be quite familiar. The blog was temporarily close for maintainence as the count hit 10,000. This blog content can be see as the continue or just another blog. Tentatively name all this a series " tale from lion City". So the chapter goes.  .....


Chapter 3 Cold Rice

The Cold war did not out break into some disaster, it's not the end of the world. The Russian did have some slight edge in technology, they sent the first man to Space. Russian military technology also seems more power robust and Soilder seems tough than GI. But the free market chaotic economy out last the well planned centralized economy. The market is always wet and in some mess, a clear and tidy market means the business is not doing very well.

Many will be surprise that the vocation of Captain Ronald Reagan is originally a Actor Communicator. The real cowboy instead of the "cowboy" from Texas. His predecessor is in truly Peanut Farming  Business, agriculture is really BIG in America. May be some dose of positivism will be good to this part of the world. Many may not take Reagan too seriously, but he really hold the key to the nuclear arsenal during the Cold war. Against all odd and the KGB russian train chief, the Reagan prevail until the iron curtain was smashed.

" to be continued"

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