Sunday, March 8, 2015

Basic Thinking 123

Some old auntie sometime say "Ah Boy grow up already , know how to think already". This usually refer to some maturity mature mature thinking - "Ripe already" ( like the fruit is Ripe). Different from some school academic teaching on technical skill.

Academic also dwell in this area. Like those Buzan Mind Maps and Edward De Bono which is more academic and Corporate. Some idea that is from the expert.

Laziness Method - Just leave things as it is. Quite Passive, but who know the Next may be worst.
Sleep Over it - Kind of bury under the Carpet, buy some time. May be things will turn out better Tomorrow. Tactically its call Hold.

Rebounce - Any things goes up must comes down. Anything round ball hit the ground will bounce back.

NLP - There is really this new Phycology for Performance thinking. Each author has their own version interpretation and application.

De Bono - Really has a General Thinking Skill. Even a whole certified course of Effective Thinking. Some idea like PMI - Plus Minus and Interesting.

Creative - Some Disney expert suggest do some base knowledge read up. Wait for a while. May be some good ideas or even solution will comes up.

Team Brain Storm

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