Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Story line 5

(Disclaimer - This is a fictional conversation and scenario)

Exercise Bonanza start.

Advance troop move out.

Main troop move out.

The Small Talk

Bravodo Lim - here we go again same old shit again. Seems like a endless and meaningless training walking in this hot sun tropic forest trek. Last week, I am still in the Shenton way level 11 corner office attending meeting. Now in this sweaty green uniform with the heavy rifle.
( Bravodo " where got time" Lim . Section 2 commander "Super Bird" Platoon )

KK Tan ( GPMG  gunner) : boss , u complaint what ?!!  my gear got 12 kg you know. You only have a rifle and a small signal set. And so many Man under you to do things.

Bravodo Lim - yes of course, yours is the heaviest. But in real fire fight still need u all for fire covering. If not really dun know how to tackle. (Think inside - my rifle like not enough fire power).  I read those magazine see all the bad guy uses the big round AK-47,  really scary.

KK Tan - yah loh .. Real war dun know how to fight. See the Taliban always carry those small rocket RPG-7 around. Looks more power than ours. Russian made weapon looks like better one.

Bravodo lim - you cannot compare the size. Quality and accuracy counts also.

KK Tan - ....sure or not boss.....

( .... Just Keep walking ....under the hot sun .....)

Reaching first objective .

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