Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Anti-Social De-Activist - Debut (for the Very first time)

Don't Change anything.
Why change ?
Any change is actually useless, the Best is let it be.
Meaning just let Nature Takes in course.

The Best "Policy" is don't even influence at all.
Even it is for the Good or for the Bad.
If things Go Good it is Good.
If things Goes Bad - Sooner or later it will be a lesson learnt.
May be better than the one that took the Good Path.
The lesson learn from the Wrong Path may be 50% more worthy than the other guy.
Then The Other Guy that took the Good Path because of the Theory he learnt from the book.

The Real Experience gain may be more value.
Closer to common people mind and heart = Translate into more support.
Compare the one in the Ivory Tower, Air-con Office, or even the High Rank Officer.
The Best Wisdom Practical Applied Wisdom from Real Life with Real Result and Real Revenue.


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