Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Army Slice - bits and pieces

Army is actually name of the land troop operating on the ground. Attack helicopter like apache should be consider ground army as its use for ground support. As oppose to other army on sea , the .navy and Air force.

Military training is not all action and blood. Even in combat unit, most of the time is preparing logistic, brief and update, range - practice rifle shooting. A two to three weeks training may have only three to five days of real miliatary exercise. Of course there is always this test the fame IPPT, it's actually usually consider a more relax session relatively. Becos you can attend in lightest attire, just pt kit. Sometime after an main miltary exercise, the later IPPT at the end make you feel you can fly, without all the heavy gears and rifles.

Range - an army term referring to the rifle shooting training facility. Also another more " relax session" becos half of the time, you spend there just waiting for your turn. And the real shoot are mostly stationary in various position, except some short runs towards the target. These days, many are automated mechanically.

Marks man - those the score high in this rifle shooting.
Boo boo Shooter - those guys that just cannot hit the target.

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