Monday, March 23, 2015

Exercise Cut

Uncle Old Bird
Newbie X

Exercise Cut.

Uncle Old Bird : Finally over, can go back to my Store-house already. Still got many cargoes to clear. Go back office even more Jiat-lat, got to clear two shipment in one week.

Newbie X : Uncle ... Your company too busy is it. Need a helping hand or not. I got Diploma in Logistic, just quit my temp job as the Zoo ticket Seller. go vacancy, please take care of me.

Uncle Old Bird :  Got but need you to do some heavy work. think can, still young.

Newbie X : Thanks uncle. I follow you after book out. (Army also good so many people working in Jurong, not too worry about my next job. No need even look in news-paper... so easy ... heng ah ...)

book out Liao ...

Newbie X - Generation X Job Hopper.
Uncle Old Bird - Senior Cargo Manager

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