Monday, March 30, 2015

Some how

Some how you get into some sort of "leader" position. Either you are a leader of a group of mischievous Boy Scout because you are there for four years already. Or you are a leader of a group of logistic Army personnel, because you studied two years more and serve half a year more. Some how some where people get into some kind of "leader position" . Or you are the "Lead Recovery" in some Therapy group, or somehow you end up in some "Elite Ivory Tower". Or just that ....

Some real commercial leadership books are widely avialable in book store . Some even teach you some power theory. History still record much of the history of those who rule with might, like .Alexandra and .Gengis Khan. History show actually rule with might is the norm most of the time.

Greek also has some classic leaders. Not totally favour the Democracy, but seems more toward aritocracy , sound like some Elite Republic. Quite an advance Top even in A Level. teacher just recommended you some reference text book, do some reading and subscribe to  Times magazine. The more strong headed one will once again remember some moder answer. What is the topic really comes out, you will get full marks. But most student end up doese know much about what is really left and right. Guess belong to the "confuse type"

Chinese also propose some like of model too. Mostly are ancient sage king of the very old as the example.

Bible leaders are probably Moses and King David.

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