Saturday, March 21, 2015

Chapter Game Plan

Total defence.
Not the big picture defence strategy. But personnel life plan, many executive made a living just giving out thier experience of life plan. In some place they are call Life Coach , some other place Teacher or Guide of Life. Still sound too grand to many. May be some sort of Consultant will be more appropriate, more business orientated and less offensive. Play defence right.

Stretch over quite some bit, all this blog writing may accumulated into series of ebooks, or even real books in prints. See some kid are quite impress by just some simple exercise move. See that SG high pressure cooker life style really damage  some of the kid natural ingenius. May be those free style educator are right, we are not here to "teach " the kid, but to uncover the potential they already have. This type of positive education style is still quite new to some part of the world. Just remember the dead poet society Robbie just pass on. Quite a old show, more than two decades. But the classic film still have some lasting values.

Total defence .... Play safe use the 4-4-2 tactic.
Weight training, old school progressing training.

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