Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Don't Sink , Keep Swimming.

There are this School of Street Success by Napoleon Series, list down all the Trait of Success.
New School of Motivation and Success Book are common are bookshops and Library too.

Singapore Story is Success with a Crisis mindset in a turbulent region.
May be some one will distill it into more readable format.

Really quite some Big Chunk of Hard Core Helicopter Major Strategy.
Quite difficult to Eat and Digest really.

May be some point to note.

Some Determination and Steel.
The Singapore Tech Story - Thumb Drive -Invented In Singapore

A Machinist from Singapore Bought over an Small company that provide Engineering solution.
With his Engineer and innovative mind , the team truly comes out a Invention  the Thumb Drive.

/with size nearly 100 million, it is the Best Fortunee 500 Small Company.

Monday, December 28, 2015

The Richest Man in South East Asia

Some of the Big Names in the past fade away as times goes by.

Singapore has a Chinese Business Legend  that is roughly at the time the Richest Man in South East Asia. Starting out as an accountant as early Over-sea Chinese seeking fortune in Singapore. His Business Empire is Big enough to funded the Anti-Japanese War in China.

Pine-apple and Henry Ford Supply Chain.
Quite unique for Early Chinese Business-man to adopt Modern Business Principle.
Guess later Revenue rich business like Rubber Good grew his fortune further. From Rice Business to pineapple to Rubber Goods.

His Family still lives on building the Early Nanyang University and the OCBC Bank. Which more people these day are familiar with. Recover some memories after OCBC was crown the Title the Strangest Bank in the World.

Chapter Pot of Gold and Bad Economix (Air Commander)

This are just straight forward of the Rich and Not So Famous.
And some Wild Guess on getting Little Pot of Gold.

May will start with some Bigger Name and the Obvious one.

The Richest Man is Asia.

The "Title" will goes to Mr Li Ka-Shing Family of Hong Kong. The Business Empire spend from Retail Chain Giant, Super Large Shipping Company, High Tech Telco , many Property Development and probably Hundreds of other lesser known Business. Estimate just his family in the Hong Kong Stock Market occupy a big Whale Share of 15% in Heng-sheng Stock Index. Not count the recent Massive Invest in the Fast-Growing Mainland China. Truly a Super Giant Whale of East Asia.

The Plastic Flower Business - In the Beginning

In the beginning is the Humble Plastic Business.

Curious Cat and Urban Ranger

Chapter Introduction

Chapter Mix Random

This are some "modern event" in some aspect.

Deng Xiao Ping is not just a Modern Great Architect.

Some say Deng Xiao Ping is The Great Architect of China . Taking power from the old faction, pushing Modern Economic Reformation. Opens ups China to the Whole world, especially after 1978. The Economy of the New Middle Kingdom really take off. The Modern China is here.

But known to some he is already in the Ultra Elite of the Society in the very beginning. Many may know Mr. Deng was a few Selected for the Over-sea study in France.
Surprising he took part in the Long Match, one of the tough Trip through the Snow Mountains and Deep Valley. The Long March is a huge military move across almost half of the vast region of China. That last almost for a year , and in drastic condition , with heavy weapon gear. Some say it is one of the Toughest human feat of the 20th century.

Yes, he is also a General that lead some Military Expedition in the early years

Under the coconut Tree

Partial Freedom and Such

Strangely Singaporean Prefer the Partial-Freedom Style. Firstly its congested Area really does not allow too much freedom. Secondly, some think Concentration of Force is also one of the Country Key to Progress and Prosperity. It is like putting a few Good Golden Eggs into a Few Good Golden Basket. Quality counts. Some prefer Golden Fried Drum-stick than some "far-fetch liberty ideals"

The Unofficial Definition of Democracy started. Of course for sure Singapore Structure System mostly got it from the British Common-wealth System. This one No-matter how Genius and Giant you are, really Impossible Totally to do it by one-self.

Really need some Full-Time Philosophe Economist Genius just to come out some Great Theory Books. How implement, some say need the political will and might to realise it. It seems like A DIFFENT JOB SCOPE.

Regimentalism and Umbrella Not Enough. (The Price of Freedom)

Even it is Partial Freedom, the Price is Not Cheap. Not Just Good Economy Stock Price, if that is so, The Hong Kong Stock Market seems bit more Vibrant.

The recent Demonstrationof Hong Kong Student. The Umbrella Movement also Not Enough. For some, Sleeping on the Street for a few weeks does Not Make the Cut.

At least you got to sleep under the tree in Full Battle Order feeding the Mosquitoes. That is closer than the Price of Freedom and Peace.

Chapter Mix Random 1 - How do the World see America ?

Chapter Mix Random 1

How do the World see America ? Guess things are free-er in America, if not will be in some trouble too.

May cut some nerve on the American, how the world outside see US the A.
Of course the First Impression will usually the Pop culture export.

The Holly-wood Disney Star War, when the Big three finally comes together as a one Big package ( as in 2015 end)
Then will be commercial merchandise The McDonald Star-Buck City-Bank.
And also the US Marine, if where you are is not too far from US NAVY over-sea deployment - Base or Air-craft Carrier.

This is Roughly the First Impression of Some part of the World see America.
Of course there are many more from other part of the World, seeing different part of America.

Nixon ,  Jimmy Carter and Vietnam War.

New Roman Empire, Second British  Empire ( could be a bit Spicy even for Americans)

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Under the Coconut Tree

Chapter 3-5 Random Mix Note II

Chapter 6 Sociology SG 202

Chapter 7 Sociology SG 302

Chapter 8 Thinking Critically 202

Chapter 9 Thinking Critically 303

Curious Cat and Urban Ranger II

Curious Cat and Urban Ranger II
There was a time ... when Singapore River is black in color ....Journalistic Little SG
probably will start will some word press blog
twice blog post per week.
and the "Grey Paper Stuff" -- may be like once per  two week
Reading Lion City with Sociology and Critical Thinking
( and with Color Lens)
...sound a bit serious
A Non Academic Write on Singapore and Some Region - The Random Grey Paper

Friday, December 25, 2015

Under the Coconut Tree

This is not some Story or even Street Talk but some Harder Fact.

Although there are No "Secret Police" in Singapore , there are various High  Security Team of various level. Some local will know and some information are open in the net.


The Police Still has its SWAT Team - Special Weapon and Tactic, and it is Not call the Flying-Tiger.

The Red Car - This the Special Command that you still see once a while in City Center.

Crack Commando - This are the Real Professional Commando that is Operational. A recent documentary show some action in a Changi Air-port Incident, Yes the DO put the Trigger.

Ranger Trained - This is a 65 Day Military Ranger Course.

SOF - This is the Rumor Special Task Force.

Police Dog Unit - Only seen once. A Real Dog, not very fierce like the German Shepard at the Air-port. Guess it is the Special Dog.

Demolition n Team - Once a while at construct side, you do find some WW2 stuff.

Gurkas - These days most are station in the Prison Service - I guess

NB : These are real data, so need a double check
1)intellectual credo of the government rested explicitly upon a philosophy of self-reliance, similar to the "rugged individualism" of the American brand of capitalism

2) localism
Chapter No Agenda and Fried Rice Paradise

Really got NO Real Agenda until this point. Don't really know the limits of all this media things. But all things seems Not too good from the guess of main-stream news paper. Yes you do get sue for touch some ULTRA High End Issue. For the rest of Gossip and Sub-gossip content, seems the social media is full of them but most are OK.

May be the Closest can get is the Quite Some Time Ago National Park Bicycle issue.
Really too expensive for a $2000 dollar Bike when common people are Buying 199 Taiwan Bike for everyday ride. This is as if people are drive Toyota Corolla for Work, and the Police Depart decided to buy BMW Series 7 with turbo Engine for their New SWAT Team. Very hard to justifies such purchase. Of course this is over exaggerated.

Fried Rice Paradise.
At least the eating part for Singapore is Top of the Game.
A very Wide Variety and quite in Depth. For example a Mandarin Hotel Chicken Rice can goes up to 18 dollars per plae. Hurray the Quality movement. And you can find even Morrocan and Mediterranean Food at Jalan Sultan.

Original Yang-Chou Fried Rice and Pine-apple Fried Rice

2 Chapter Singapore Story.
Under the Coconut Tree

Chapter Y1 - The Ming and the Qing.

The Two dynastic are generally consider a more proper united Imperial China. The Ming is rule by the Han Race. Although the Qing is Rule by the Manchurian and their Eight Banner of Calvary Troops, they adopted the Whole Mandarin System that is "Perfect" over the centuries. All the Qing Royal even learnt the Whole Chinese things from everything from Classical Text to Chinese Chess.

The Ming Dynasty First Emperor is Chu, Rising from the lowest level of the society to the Highest Rank of the King. This is Bloody Revolution through the Peasant Up-Rise. Probable rarely happen only once Two-Three hundred years. Change in the entire dynasty. Most of the time people rise up through the Mandarin Examination System. You are able to study at the Village/Town School and goes for Junior Exam to Senior Exam of many level. After Years of Study and the Successful one is  able to pass and get some Paper Degree. Then you are one of the Ruling Elite of Officials. Even a small Official Post is usually a Honour to the Town or City.

The Ming is marked by its Strict centralised rule. There is an Infamous Imperial Assassin establish by the Emperor himself, with the sole aim to reinforce His rule.  Hundreds of Hong-Kong Drama series has been nade to tell these stories. Killing the Bad and the Good, as long as they object the ruler.

The Qing Dynasty is actually one of the More Prosperous and Well-Managed Chinese Dynasty. Some even consider Emperor like Kang-Xi and Qian-Long are the Model Emperor of Chinese History. Indeed all level of economy and culture see many improvements. The Territory is also one of the largest since the beginning.

The Yuan Mongolian and Han-Qin Dynasty is uniue in the sense is one is the Foreign rule. The other is the First United Chinese Dynasty.

Other era are also interesting with many written in Fiction form. With the most famous the Romance of Three Kingdom Which is very Short, Less than 100 years 1-2 generation. The other is the Pre-history Spring-Autumn War-Country Era which has Small Kings of Chou and many other Small Country.

The Qing Rule is also some sort of stroke of Luck. The Late Ming ended wth a Civil war with a Rebel General Li occupying the Capitol and killing the Last Ming Emperor. The Ming General that guards the Border when into Betrayal and open the Border Gate, letting the Mancurian troops into the Central Plain and establish the Qing Dynastic.

NB - This will be a brief Glimpse of Long Chinese History. Just a very short Brief Introduction.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Chapter Most Spicy - Domino Theory and Battle of Singapore

This is kind of Military History Talk Little of the Region.

Not much heard about this Domino theory in modern times. As Vietnam was arbitrary dived into North and South in the 50s-70s. Divided by a invisible line of separation The 17 Parallel.

American involvement in Vietnam is much earlier. Earlier than Mel Gibson Landing his Helicopter Battalion into the Front line. Financial support first that military advisor. And finally battle troop was land as thing escalate.

Surprise to Some, the Old Big Boss of Vietnam is the French. Yes France even colonised the whole region in the early 19th century including with Cambodia and Laos. And surprise to many Japan also occupy Vietnam during WW2 - really not heard much about this.

The American Troops are actually fighting Two Army. The Viet-con Guerrillas and the North Vietnam Troop Proper. Since Political Ideals and Patriotism is not really indivisible
, things get complicated.
The GI finally withdrew in 1975 after a Long Struggle even with the Best Weaponry available. Territorial ground advantage is another key factor. And the Moral Issue seems become a Thorny issue especially towards the end of the War.

There is a early TV series that shows the Daily Battle of the Vietnam War. Not so violent as portray. Later Mel Gibson We Were Soldier did some bloodshed closer to reality. The Whole Documentary Series really tells the Cruelty of War.

2 more Paragraph from Old Post

 Battle of Singapore
Singapore is already On the World Map very early during World War 2.

 General At War
A New Nat Geo documentary General At War- General Yamashita vs General Peircval.

OH NO ...! Commando Brigade
There is a Commando Brigade in the old Singapore British Army.

The other is a Parachute Brigade, an Air-Borne Troops.

Of course logically speaking, British at that time is still quite a Big Empire.
Much resource to draw from.
And one of the more advance country.

But having TWO Brigade of SPECIAL FORCE is simply too Awesome.
For those non military people. Army is Organise in Battalion - Brigade - Division.
Usually a army unit is in Battalion 300-500 people.

And the 1 SIR and 2 SIR already existed during WW2.
Some of you are really part of HISTORY 

Quite a bit Sensitive
SOMEONE ask about the scenario in which to justified huge military spending and sizeable arm force for protection.

Not a expert in these area, and not a Right Wing Militant too.  No way or authority power to comments on such security issue. But do share a few notes of sideliner opinion observation.

1. During early independence, some high level adviser also suggest SG to have Police Force is Enough. But the Leader insisted on a Full-fledge Armed Force.

2. The First obvious reason is History. World War 2 for Singapore is one of the "Key Player" in the Strategic balance of Power. Quite High in Priority at Least in the eye of the Big Power. And Really directly involved in the Conflict. Late in the 50-60s, There is still regional conflict. From Far away Korean War to Nearer Vietnam Conflict.
The Vietnam conflict even further into Cambodia invasion lasted in the "Modern Era"
Seems too close for comfort in Time and Geo closeness.

 3. Thus there is now way to undermine the importance of the Security of the Country .

The Thumb Drive of Singapore - A Singapore Story
Chapter 3 The Richest Man of Asia and Such

Mr Li
The title is attractive enough. And nobody is ever got tired of any such information.

The Richest Man in south East Asia
Mr Tan

The Richest Man in the World

Chapter 4 The Song Dynasty and Such

Chapter 4 The  Song Dynasty and Such

The Great Song
Its is seen by the most Han Chinese as the Weaker Dynasty. Because there is some "Barbaric Invasion" of the Jin Dynasty (meaning Gold) into the Central Plain China. Worst still it is the Rise of the Temu-jin Tribe later into The Genghis Khan  Global Mongol Empire, by united all the Old Mongolian Clans.

The Northern Song still occupy the Whole China Central Plain. The Imperial Royal Family is Zhao. Learning from the past experience the First Song Emperor released all the military power of his founding general after China was United after a long reign of chaos.

But unfortunately two Big Kingdom of the North Rise during these period.

Economically its one of the more advance. Many ancient invention are from during this era. Many famous poet and philosopher also develop their work during this period. There is a famous novel - The Water Margin - The Heroes of Old China. It is the China version of Robin Hood, seemingly. Just that there is a Total of 108 Good Man (Hao Han) which actually a group of  rebel. But it meaning in Chinese is not very nice as its sometime meaning referring to a Gang of Robbers. This Big novel is the mother of all the Martial Art Literature, glamoring the violent and the fighting, which obviously not too good.

Historian actually has a good opinion of this dynasty in terms of economy and culture.

Yuan Dynasty and the Genghis
For the Chinese, the Yuan Dynasty is the Worst Nightmare of the whole race. For the First time in Chinese history, theWhole Central Plain was rule by the Barbarian Mongolian. Even worst still these Nomadic Tribes did not subscribe into the Chinese Culture. Unlike the Manchurian Qing Dynasty of the late century , which totally adopted the Mandarin system of rule, Kublai Khan don't have a Chinese Name.

The Yuan is one of the Four territory of the Mongols in Major World History term.

Hu-Bi-Lie or Kublai Khan is the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. Guess the only good thing for  the Chinese see is the opening of the Trade  (as a whole unite empire across Asia-Europe). For the First time a globally linked empire brought something for the far end of the Land. Roughly at these moment the Marco Polo from Italy also for the first time visit the Far East Oriental Land.

It is the Shortest dynasty of all, beside those small kingdom during the chaos period. It is succeeded by the Royal Ming Imperial Dynasty.

Some other Alternate history also shed some light on this era. The most uncommon source is a PC computer game call Age of Empire. It detaily brings you through the whole conquest campaign of the Mongolian. For Tribal Clan Clash to China conquest, thru the Central Asia and finally Eastern Europe.

Watt, Newton and Sir Faraday

May be some stories of Early Scientist. (most people should have forgotten)

Story + Ang-Mo + Real-Info = Should have basic Sale.

The Richest Man in Asia.
Sound like a Big Stories that never run out of Interest.
Of course now we see the Giant Empire of some Property, Telco Shipping Retail and almost everything. Even has investment all over China and a University Block in Singapore. May be a short story of the humble Beginning will be somewhat interesting. The Current Empire is simply to Big.

It begins will Plastic Flower in a Small Factory.
Tang and Tang

There is a local family shopping mall CK TANG located at the center of shopping District Singapore.
There is a Big Fashion Brand TANG that sell up-market Fabric Fashion

Oversea Chinese call themself Tang People (Deng-Nan). Obviously very proud of the great Tang Dynasty of China. Indeed the Great Tang is the Peak Power among the various dynasty . And more importantly it is run by its "own people" main the Han Mandarin. Mongol Yuan is much bigger if consider the entire global empire. And the Manchrian Qing Dynasty actually Bigger in land Geo term. Many will be surprise that early  "Big Dynastuc" are actually relatively small around the fertile River Region and East China Only.

The TANG is truly the Great Middle Kingdom. Military it settle the Northern Babarian Prblem. No just the Great Wall Blockage. But to the extend of sending Calvary Troop into the Grassland the HQ of XIONG NU. Trying to resolve the issue once and for All. Some historian suspect that these Xion-Nu was driven out of East Asia, retreat to Central Asia. Some say the Attila Hun People that invadied Europe in early centry seems got some relationship.

The Silk is one of the Top Secret of Ancient China. This special trade even existed into Modern China. There is a Modern TV series that talks about the Rise of Modern Silk Merchant, Prodece Qualitu Fabric Silk in the early 20 century. Penetrating even into Top Market of Europe and US.
The Semi Basic Idea

50 Books + DVD

The Essential Introduction to Basic Hokkein

1. Today Ming Fatt and Maryln went to Tiong Bahru Library.  They borrow two books on Pictorial Moby Dick. They bought two cups of Touhue and happily went home to do their school home=work.

2. Chinese Mandarin

3. Chinese Hokkien

4 . Audio Spoken

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Chapter 4 Borrowing Energy from the Sun

Basically beside the Fossil fuel, many of the Earth energy comes from the Sun. From Photosynthesis of the plant to modern Solar Cell Technology, the Sun has always been the big Source of Energy.

The New Star War is not wrong to harness the Solar Power and turn it into a Galactic Laser Canon . It power seem Dwarf the Old School Death Star that Vedar Try to built. But No One , no matter how talented can replace the Founder Lucas in Bring the First Episode to life. Even when in today standard, some of the movie props seem flimsy by todays Million Dollar Budgets and FX computer Graphics.

Borrowing Strength

Monday, December 21, 2015

Chapter Bucket of Gold at the End of the Rainbow

The Richest Man in South East Asia
Actually there is a Richest man in Singapore which is the Richest Man in South East Asia. Mr Tan Kha Kee. Quite some Time ago as it is the Pre-Independence Era. There is also these Three Big Old Chinese Bank of UOB, OUB and OCBC. The Business Landscape is different from now. With frequent Ad Bombardment from MNC Banks.

Guess for the young generation , the Richest Man will most probably be Bill Gates and Warrant Buffet, Stock Financial and High Tech Company. May be modern time Now will be that of Facebook Founder being the Youngest Billionaire. Strangely to many unheard of in Asia, the Biggest company is actually a the Mega-Mart Chain Wal-Mart. Even bigger than many Oil Company and Big Banks. And its Revenue even exceed some Small Third World Country GDP.

The Richest Man in Asia
The Richest Man of Asia  (modern Time) started quite Humbly in Hong Kong. Guess what is the Product. Mass Market Priced Plastic Flower.

Chapter 4 Enterprise Ladder and Corporate Ladder

Chapter 4 Enterprise Ladder and Corporate Ladder

Study High High in a Hot Hot Major and Get Into a Big Big Company.
With a Fat Fat Pay Check.

These Days Local Company is Big Enough. Like SingTel ST Technology etc. GLC.
Or even Stat Board is quite Privatised with competitive Returns Too.
So There is Enough "Corporate Ladder " To Climb.

For the More Adventurous, More Courageous More Resource (Social Soft and Hard) Enterprise is Still Not a Too Bad choice, Considering the Returns Lifestyle and Satisfaction. But get ready for Some Bumpy ride Comparatively. Even the Gov. encourage Enterprise, They Enough Who is the Economic Factor Generator, The more the merrier, Just provide the Seed Fund some platform and environment and maybe some support and Practical Idea.

Of course these days Alternatives are included. Like Creative and Sport become mainstream. Even Got Pro Gamers and Climber. Maybe Next will be some Recreational Chess Player.
Even Politic are No more Taboo. And Blogger especially Top Food Blogger are even getting a bit of Celebrity Status .

And there is even the Street Perform , and Macho Trainer are also emerging.

第5章 36计



 但是,这36战略的最后正式条款实际上是反逻辑 - 它说“走开”。这种逃避现实的心态,据说保留了最后撤退的休养生息。我们的想法是要战斗到死的意思是完全所剩无几。放弃意味着失去太多你辛苦赚来的资产。以退为进是为了再战。

 对于科学和数学专业。总有一个公式或做事的方法。生活将是完美的,如果它只是一组精确的数学公式。你得考虑经济的方向,商业和市场方面。还有社会 - 政治的一面。

36 Strategm Little

Chapter 6 Go Tactical - 36 Stratagem Little

36 Stratagem Little
Sometime when things does not get into your way. Getting a head to head confrontation is not the Best Solution. Maybe try something more tactical , go around the mountain for an Ambush.

The 36 Stratagem of Chinese is a set of military strategy of Ancient China. It is also kind of everyday proverbs for everyday Chinese in their everyday life. Quite a good start to understand some of the Chinese mindset. Most of the Military Captain will tell you "No Surrender No Retreat". That is the norm for warfare.

But the Last Official Clause of this 36 Stratagem is actually counter logic - Its say "Walk Away" or "Run Away". This type of escapism mindset is said to preserve the Last Dose of Strength Retreat to recuperate. The Idea is to fight to death mean totally nothing left. To Surrender means losing much of your hard earned asset. To Retreat / Run-Away is to fight another day, if really out-numbered.

To keep the Green Mountain such that there is no fear shortage of wood for burning.

For Science and Math Major. There is always a Formula or a Methodology of doing things. Life will be perfect if it is just a Set of Precise Mathematical Formula. You got to consider the economy side of Things too, There is Business and Marketing side of stuff. And also Socio-Political side of Things.
As Star War went into episode 7, even entertainment movie is no Simple matter already

There is Always a Bigger Fish

Air Commander and His Strange Theory

Chapter 6 The Missing Hitory of British

Magna Cater  - Sound like some Famous Ice-cream Chocolate.Glorious Revolution - Another Missing Link in Old British History. Yes I know Tudor Watch has its OWN DYNASTY in the Long British History.
Under the Coconut Tree

Chapter 7 Whatz Up with Liberty and Freedom

Whatz up with This Liberty  and Freedom Things.
At least will automatically tone stuff down with this seemingly Ligther Word.
Instead of this Heavy Word Democracy. Seem like there is one whole level of different in seriousness.


(a) A political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections; (b) The active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life; (c) Protection of the human rights of all citizens, and (d) A rule of law, in which the laws and procedures apply equally to all citizens.

Actually got no ideas in this field and area of Knowledge. Not much for School days GP lesson too.

But generally this is the Tide and trend of the World. For the Good I guess.
From Arab Spring to HK street demonstration.

At least from the definition. Singapore Scored at least 2 out of Four. The system is a Complete Full system "inherit" for the British. (Impossible to change and No one can just built it).
The LAW part Singapore really Exceeded its, some say it is even better than Japan.
The Participation seems quite Low.
And really dun know anything about Human Rights Stuff ?

Some New term start to appear after you start on this Lite Socio things.

Magna Cater  - Sound like some Famous Ice-cream Chocolate.
Glorious Revolution - Another Missing Link in Old British History. Yes I know Tudor Watch has its OWN DYNASTY in the Long British History.

Easy Answer
Check out the You Tube Answer
Magna Carter

The Reason Why Chinese prefer British over America because Chinese thinks that America is too young with NOT MUCH History. British thousand Years seems OK for China to show some respect.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Chapter IX Implement Martial Art Law - One of the "Dirty Trick Series"

Should include like 5-20% of Martial Art Training into Gym curriculum. Not just Boxercise, kept at Drill Level, No munch Bag --Safety. For Infantry, Should have a Half Day Introduction to Close Combat.They dun have becos the 2nd Cycle did not cover that, should cover everything in the 2nd cycle. They did not missied it mean they dun have.

Probably for Adult training only. Not for School not even at college. Kind of bit violence Not so Nice right.

Keep the Bad Guy and bad things away.

Chapter X Fallout City and 25 Century Buck Roger

This is the Darkest Scenerio of all - Ultra Spicy Level. Please prepare 1 litre of Natutal mineral Water to continue.

End of the 2nd Nuclear Holucast, Human finally learnt that they should ban tactical Nuke as Well. They Ban All Stratetgic Nuclear after the 1 Holocust. Thinking that should keep some tactitial Cruise Missile just in case. Then only 25 % of earth Surface is accessible. 40% migrate to Moon with Artifical life support System 505. (See Alpha Century Chapter). 40 % live in Deep Sea City, 20,000 feet under water. Far from Surcase contamination. 5% of Industiral Engineeringin 3 Piece Robot suit supervising AI Driod in mining the last few fertile earth.
The earth surface was Resue 666666 Times until its last Cycle. Thru a Re-Green Technology. A sub sface of can be Recycle for 5555 Times another half a century. before full import from the Moon.

Buck Roger is a very Old TV futuristic Series. Too Bright in the Past it its like Battle Star Galatical Old (Not the Sentosa one, but the original Old series).
Sorry for adding so much "World History" into the "Singapore Story".

Feel like working towards this direction,  adding more fundamentals into Singapore" Foundation.
Like pounding some extra under-ground reinforcement pillars into SG Basics.

Lost Modern History of China and Instant Research

Or it can be like throw some Big Anchors into Luxury Cruise Ship Lion City.
But the Best is Park it permanently into a Big Harbour.
Or Forge in Artificially into a Island.
(Metaphorically Speaking)

Chapter 4 Random Journal Here and There

Lost Modern History of China
Most Oversea Chinese Left China during the early years of the Civil War, where Military Warlord rule the land after the fall of the Imperial Qing Dynasty. Supposedly continue by the Republic Government, but the real power lies with the Beiyang Army led by General Yuan Shi-Kai. Dr Sun who promote democratic ideas has a weak government with not much real power. And Yuan took the post of President and a short live Emperor rule. The whole China further disintegrated into several faction of Warlord, each occupying their own territory.


This is the defining moments of the Revolution. The military up-rise in Wu-Chang spread like a wild fire, and many other China Province declare independent. The Qing Imperial put up a reluctant suppression led by General Yuan the only formidable military force able to stop the rebellion. General Yuan later was approach by the revolutionaries and negotiation a deal with the Last Emperor with end Thousands year of China Feudal Rule.

Chaotic Military Warlord Era

Before the Northern Expedition by General Chiang and his Whampo Division Commanders . There is a Chaos Period of Qun-Fa Rules. The Beiyang Army was broke into several faction after General Yun died after a short strict Self-declare Emperor.

After the Break-up, The Army is still quite big - over 100 THOUSAND, Hard to imagine from Singapore point of Scope. Rule quite a large place and population too. Not very well organize troops, some even are Opium Addict . But still manage to hold the region for some time.

Trade and Triad gangs flourish this era. Shanghai Street and Neon Light are at its PEAK.

Japanese Invasion.

World War for China started early and gradual, compare to sudden strike of the German of the Europe.

There is a early Jia Wu Sea Battle that Imperial Chinese a Big Fleet of Navy to the Japanese, in the early 1900s. Japan Army troop also enter into Korean North Asian Region.

The expansion continue later occupying the whole Manchurian Region. The Official Invasion of China start in 1937 (Lu-Qiao-Guo). The Whole anti-japan resistance lasted for 8 long years till 1945.

The other Side of Singapore.

British Singapore is not so bad, as Singapore Independence sentiment are all time high and Anti-colonialism has not goes away yet. In fact it is the British soldier fought the Japanese Invasion during the WW2. Came across a Kranji Memorial and was surprise that there is a big group of unsung Hero that fought and died for the land. All under the name of Singapore British

Who Cares About French Revolution

French Revolution seems like mother of Modern Revolution. Although some Historian said it is replace by another Tyrant Rules. But the Impact to the world is significant. With later America Independence Revolution. And the Russian October Red Revolution (Russian Revolution  ??! Thought they said it is an Evil Empire) Should not use these term any-more. Its a Cold-War Empire Strike back termilogy.

Chapter Singapore Geo.

NB : As the Chapter Develop, need some read up and dig out some old resource. Maybe some interview and "Some Thinking" or even Instant Research

Monday, December 14, 2015

Under the coconut Tree SG

Chapter 9 Under the coconut Tree SG
No intension to run any official Office or Unofficial Un-office.

Guess These things are for the over-sea scholars and power-hungry.
The basic requirement these days are much higher.
No more are the days that you just need to stand up and stand Out.

Probably you need to have some PHD or equivalent level to go for Sub-committee post.
Or equivalent a wide social network, a senior management post and some leadership charismata.
Or may be already have some social standing or military prowess.

For the Rest of the common people.
Journalistic writing may be a good start, as Blogging as not so uncommon these days.
Plus some local community network. Small Town level.

This will unavoidable touch some issue of local Town demography.
Still the mass grass-roots is still Mandarin/Chinese-Hokkein Kind may be about 40% of the BASS  MASS. Then is the 30% of the English-Chinese Kind. Some 20 % of small-boss Professional executive Mandarin-English Kind and 10 % English Elite-Leaders. Too clear-cut. Of course the real life is more complex than these simplification. But it is easier for general operation sake.

Minority Report SG
This is a more "dangerous approach". No agenda to nail to the door, Not even Big Issue to raise . Not really concern about human rights like how to treat the Migrant Workers. But is that the Slavery days are really over. At least treat "Fellow Human Being" as human , an uncommon common sense. At least the UN Human Rights will not hunt you down and black list you.

Probably like modern day Coolie-Worker

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Chapter 8


Five in-practical unrealistic ideas for Singapore



Quite a controversial issue, not topic.

From Biology point of view there is different.
You cannot deny that just check the DNA composition.

Mongoliod and Sino is quite close Biologically.
Close like Japanese-Sino Close.
Saw a picture of Both China Leader and Japanese Leader --Really looks like Brother.

Seldom see Mongolian these days.
But these Ruthless Barbarian are actually very Smart. Invented the Composite Bow which is even better than the British Long Bow.
Still have a ruthless fame until these days.

Japanese actuallyy call themselves Da-He People, People of the Big Harmony.
Borrow Obviously from China Text.

Guess For SG.
Even if you cannot expand, at least Hold your Ground.

NB  - really already Most Spicy for me. Anything else please check Others.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Under the Coconut Tree

Under the Coconut Tree

This is a Safer Chapter adhere to the "tone" of the Main Top Thinking.
A more central style that most people will accept but less spicy.
Basic demography .

Minority Report SG

(its getting more difficult as the chapter increase)
Writing even a small book is NOT easy as it thought.

Book 3 !!??

Chapter 6 General Feel - Dangerous and Confusing Times

Chapter 6 General Feel - Dangerous and Confusing Times

Still not very "safe" to write about modern Singapore.

Just be careful, may be extra careful for this extra spicy times.
Actually some of the people are still alive and well.

Dangerous as its kind of Soft Revolution in Broad Major Term.
Some "Action" is involved , as some light violent too relative to some "Real Revolution".
The Big Real Revolution usually involve quite some bloodshed.

In China Case its some Big Scale Battle - Small War Regional.
In French Revolution Case,  Those Royal Family Head was Dropped.
Still for the Singapore which is relatively Not too Big.
Guess the most Violent general people see on the TV are those heart Stopping lying on Road at the Bus Depot. (Since the TV documentary show it its OK) 

Guess the Situation is Totally different as Today is relatively Peaceful and Affluence.
General speaking , seems like the Soft Left manage to push the Colonial Out and the Capitalist Right Built a Good Economy. Of course it is a Blunt and rough estimate statement comments that should be Not Very Right.

But it is one of the Few First Hand writings, Not some Notes from Some Island.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Quite a Interesting Year for Lion Singapore. One of the quarter GDP actually shrink in Jubilee Year. Just a small remark glance through on the paper.

As most people are Over-Joyed by the Jubilee, and Over-Saddened by the pass away of Nation Founder. Its kind of mixed feeling and neglected and economy issue.

Of course Strategic Economy issue is too major and Chim for me to throw even a stone.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Chapter x - New Hope SG

This is not the charity New Hope.

Of course Not the Star War Episode 1 New Hope.
But some positive expectation of Singapore Hope Injected to least makes you feel Not to Blue.

Too much Dark Talk or Blue Talk on Singapore Future.
For Sure has No Concrete Ideas, Not Plan No Action.
So dun expect Much Result too.

But at least should be better than the Hard Data Technocrats view.
Some Low level Propagandistic Stuff Hopefully move things 1/4 step ahead in short Term.
Do check yourself for direction as it may leads you into some wrong road.

Or you may feel its good and follow.
But later found that there is a Better Way and Why You dun tell you so.
If I know the Better Road Earlier , will take it myself and safe all the detour.
You will feel kind of Positive as its a Restful Sunday - without the Hustle and Dust of Weeks.

You may find This post a bit Interesting and Literaturely Inspired  .
But dun Know really what to do.
As its kind of Philosophical and Not Materialist Economy Stuff - Big Surprise for SG.

Will feel quite scary as it may affect the DNA SG.
Sorry its for those that at least read Simple English.
Chinese version will be translated or just google translate it.

Expect it to spread internally slowly.
But dun get influence..

NB : May be some will comment .. or ask what u talking
NB2 : But it is a draft for some Mix Writes Draft.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Chapter 10 First Laser Battalion Excerpt

Chapter 9 Keep Swimming . Don't Sink
5 Crazy ideas that keeps Singapore from Sinking
(this one may get into a bit of Trouble)
Chapter 4 A Super Dome for Singapore - Tech and such

First this is a Unrealistic Science Fi Blue-sky idea for SG.

A super Dome made of Semi-Transparent X-file material that cover the Sky over the City.
Protection for any attack from above.

An super under-ground Sub City 5 Storey Deep as the Second City Center. Max out the Golden Mile. Also act as a City-Underg-ground in case olf Nuclear Holucust so that 5% of the population can last until the Atmoic radiation danger level is low enough. See Wall-E movie as an example. A Semi Basic supply for the X-residence to go thru 5 years of Sunless living.
Worst case Scenerio.

dun worry this is only a fictional-like slim chance in the Ultra-Far Future. Since always talks about Crisis Consciuousness (Wei-Ji Yi-shi or Kia-shu symdrome in sipler term). This should be the Ultimate.

All facilities like School-Exam-Teacher is still semi-operational - much more holidays. Economic Production will be Semi-Babaric and Semi future Tech. People will be in Total Blue Mood with Articial sinlight treatment UV tanning is compulasry NS.

Food will be Mars Bar Combat Ration and Scientific Beer - too cheer you up under extreme condition.

Clothings will be recycle Clean-room Attire 6 Days except Sunday to mind you that  .

Friday, December 4, 2015

RAM thinking and Casual Knowlege

Chapter Three

There is actually a Thinking System for Thinking.

Simply said - It is gather some Soft and Hard Information. Swallow and digest if you can. Wait for a while for you brain to do some internal processing. Then some result Bad or Good will comes Out. This might be the Simple Thinking Method.

RAM Thinking - Random Access Thinking.

Hard-disk Thinking.

NLP little.

Casual Knowledge.

Fox-Hole  Rest and Energy
Chapter 2 Still some History and Castle Singapore

Singapore as a castle is not a New concept, it is actually quite Old as in historical old. The Brits Official call SG as the Inpenetratable Fortress.

Not to defend the Colonial rule, of course the Anti-Colonialism is the g-Main-stream Thinking. But historically , the Brits did their part in defending Singapore during WW2. Most will say that that skinny Ang-Mo General Surrender on the very First Day without a fight. But the fact these the Japanese Imperial Guard took 3 wave of attack just to break the first shore defence at Sarimbun.

Before that at Muar Area the Japanese did suffer a defeat by ambush by a British Australian Division. Further inland, the invading force got lost in the mangrove forest and almost give up. No War is easy, even for the Samurai.

Castle Singapore


Strange in the sense that its not a mainstream TODAY view point. Neither is it a visiting resident opinion. It is somewhat center offset to the left and right, and NO STANCE. The language is simple enough for most common people. A mix of Complex Singlish and  Net-English (even minimal grammar error). Some English speaker may not be acquainted with this type of "Alien English" (from Cambridge Standard point of View. But some people of some region do use this type of English fairly commonly in their daily life.

The location is the Black Isles of Lion City Singapore. Freedom House labeled it as Partial Freedom. Some may agree, but local will say its a Opinionated Western Point of View. In some sense from a Oriental point of view, the one of the "Free-er " place in East Asia. And the Hard-Technical Backbone system of the Society is actually inherited from the British Common-wealth.

Chapter 1 The Commando Brigade and the Chinese Revolution.

1911 may not be a significant Number for some people. But for    some people its almost like a End-of -the-world Acpocrolyse event. Yes it is the year that the Imperial Chinese Qing Dynasty Collapse. Many people expect some Great Bloody Battle fought, but its relative Lesser Violent in World-Western sense. No Royal Head was dropped - But instead the Manchurian was award thousand tael of silver of fix income  and guaranteed safety. You might expect the people welcome the Great Revolution - sort of peace and happiness at the end of the story. But for some its kind of small Exodus - Better Emigrate to somewhere else but the home-land. So thus far its the Push factor that brings some of the Southern Chinese to come to Singapore - away from the the Power Hungry Warlord that tear China further apart.

The British Victoria rules half of the World than and Singapore is NOT a Fishing Village in the 1900s. Records actually show that its quite modern already.  There is even a Dry dock of value 500 million pound - the largest one in the world. Later during the World War Two Era.  There is a even a record of some Commando Brigade and Machine gun Battalion.

Guess some recommend to start with some story - but some History information is the closest one. ( may add some Picture for this one  - Draft 1)

Chapter 2                                                                                                                                        

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Make Some Change

Make Some Change (For the Good)

sound somewhat Propagandistic.
But still got move on.
At least Thrash out some internal Issue.

As for the "Social Invasion"
Put this Burglar Foreign Intruder. And Downgrade to "Social Outcast"
Like Temp Resident or Modern Coolie Talent"

NB Heard This are some of the Most Gracious Calling Already (among the Blog Sphere
Heard got some extreme that Teach dark Trick to Sabo People. This one seems like the other extreme end like " A Proper Social Order"