Friday, December 25, 2015

Under the Coconut Tree

Chapter Y1 - The Ming and the Qing.

The Two dynastic are generally consider a more proper united Imperial China. The Ming is rule by the Han Race. Although the Qing is Rule by the Manchurian and their Eight Banner of Calvary Troops, they adopted the Whole Mandarin System that is "Perfect" over the centuries. All the Qing Royal even learnt the Whole Chinese things from everything from Classical Text to Chinese Chess.

The Ming Dynasty First Emperor is Chu, Rising from the lowest level of the society to the Highest Rank of the King. This is Bloody Revolution through the Peasant Up-Rise. Probable rarely happen only once Two-Three hundred years. Change in the entire dynasty. Most of the time people rise up through the Mandarin Examination System. You are able to study at the Village/Town School and goes for Junior Exam to Senior Exam of many level. After Years of Study and the Successful one is  able to pass and get some Paper Degree. Then you are one of the Ruling Elite of Officials. Even a small Official Post is usually a Honour to the Town or City.

The Ming is marked by its Strict centralised rule. There is an Infamous Imperial Assassin establish by the Emperor himself, with the sole aim to reinforce His rule.  Hundreds of Hong-Kong Drama series has been nade to tell these stories. Killing the Bad and the Good, as long as they object the ruler.

The Qing Dynasty is actually one of the More Prosperous and Well-Managed Chinese Dynasty. Some even consider Emperor like Kang-Xi and Qian-Long are the Model Emperor of Chinese History. Indeed all level of economy and culture see many improvements. The Territory is also one of the largest since the beginning.

The Yuan Mongolian and Han-Qin Dynasty is uniue in the sense is one is the Foreign rule. The other is the First United Chinese Dynasty.

Other era are also interesting with many written in Fiction form. With the most famous the Romance of Three Kingdom Which is very Short, Less than 100 years 1-2 generation. The other is the Pre-history Spring-Autumn War-Country Era which has Small Kings of Chou and many other Small Country.

The Qing Rule is also some sort of stroke of Luck. The Late Ming ended wth a Civil war with a Rebel General Li occupying the Capitol and killing the Last Ming Emperor. The Ming General that guards the Border when into Betrayal and open the Border Gate, letting the Mancurian troops into the Central Plain and establish the Qing Dynastic.

NB - This will be a brief Glimpse of Long Chinese History. Just a very short Brief Introduction.

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