Monday, December 28, 2015

The Richest Man in South East Asia

Some of the Big Names in the past fade away as times goes by.

Singapore has a Chinese Business Legend  that is roughly at the time the Richest Man in South East Asia. Starting out as an accountant as early Over-sea Chinese seeking fortune in Singapore. His Business Empire is Big enough to funded the Anti-Japanese War in China.

Pine-apple and Henry Ford Supply Chain.
Quite unique for Early Chinese Business-man to adopt Modern Business Principle.
Guess later Revenue rich business like Rubber Good grew his fortune further. From Rice Business to pineapple to Rubber Goods.

His Family still lives on building the Early Nanyang University and the OCBC Bank. Which more people these day are familiar with. Recover some memories after OCBC was crown the Title the Strangest Bank in the World.

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