Monday, December 14, 2015

Under the coconut Tree SG

Chapter 9 Under the coconut Tree SG
No intension to run any official Office or Unofficial Un-office.

Guess These things are for the over-sea scholars and power-hungry.
The basic requirement these days are much higher.
No more are the days that you just need to stand up and stand Out.

Probably you need to have some PHD or equivalent level to go for Sub-committee post.
Or equivalent a wide social network, a senior management post and some leadership charismata.
Or may be already have some social standing or military prowess.

For the Rest of the common people.
Journalistic writing may be a good start, as Blogging as not so uncommon these days.
Plus some local community network. Small Town level.

This will unavoidable touch some issue of local Town demography.
Still the mass grass-roots is still Mandarin/Chinese-Hokkein Kind may be about 40% of the BASS  MASS. Then is the 30% of the English-Chinese Kind. Some 20 % of small-boss Professional executive Mandarin-English Kind and 10 % English Elite-Leaders. Too clear-cut. Of course the real life is more complex than these simplification. But it is easier for general operation sake.

Minority Report SG
This is a more "dangerous approach". No agenda to nail to the door, Not even Big Issue to raise . Not really concern about human rights like how to treat the Migrant Workers. But is that the Slavery days are really over. At least treat "Fellow Human Being" as human , an uncommon common sense. At least the UN Human Rights will not hunt you down and black list you.

Probably like modern day Coolie-Worker

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