Friday, December 18, 2015

Sorry for adding so much "World History" into the "Singapore Story".

Feel like working towards this direction,  adding more fundamentals into Singapore" Foundation.
Like pounding some extra under-ground reinforcement pillars into SG Basics.

Lost Modern History of China and Instant Research

Or it can be like throw some Big Anchors into Luxury Cruise Ship Lion City.
But the Best is Park it permanently into a Big Harbour.
Or Forge in Artificially into a Island.
(Metaphorically Speaking)

Chapter 4 Random Journal Here and There

Lost Modern History of China
Most Oversea Chinese Left China during the early years of the Civil War, where Military Warlord rule the land after the fall of the Imperial Qing Dynasty. Supposedly continue by the Republic Government, but the real power lies with the Beiyang Army led by General Yuan Shi-Kai. Dr Sun who promote democratic ideas has a weak government with not much real power. And Yuan took the post of President and a short live Emperor rule. The whole China further disintegrated into several faction of Warlord, each occupying their own territory.


This is the defining moments of the Revolution. The military up-rise in Wu-Chang spread like a wild fire, and many other China Province declare independent. The Qing Imperial put up a reluctant suppression led by General Yuan the only formidable military force able to stop the rebellion. General Yuan later was approach by the revolutionaries and negotiation a deal with the Last Emperor with end Thousands year of China Feudal Rule.

Chaotic Military Warlord Era

Before the Northern Expedition by General Chiang and his Whampo Division Commanders . There is a Chaos Period of Qun-Fa Rules. The Beiyang Army was broke into several faction after General Yun died after a short strict Self-declare Emperor.

After the Break-up, The Army is still quite big - over 100 THOUSAND, Hard to imagine from Singapore point of Scope. Rule quite a large place and population too. Not very well organize troops, some even are Opium Addict . But still manage to hold the region for some time.

Trade and Triad gangs flourish this era. Shanghai Street and Neon Light are at its PEAK.

Japanese Invasion.

World War for China started early and gradual, compare to sudden strike of the German of the Europe.

There is a early Jia Wu Sea Battle that Imperial Chinese a Big Fleet of Navy to the Japanese, in the early 1900s. Japan Army troop also enter into Korean North Asian Region.

The expansion continue later occupying the whole Manchurian Region. The Official Invasion of China start in 1937 (Lu-Qiao-Guo). The Whole anti-japan resistance lasted for 8 long years till 1945.

The other Side of Singapore.

British Singapore is not so bad, as Singapore Independence sentiment are all time high and Anti-colonialism has not goes away yet. In fact it is the British soldier fought the Japanese Invasion during the WW2. Came across a Kranji Memorial and was surprise that there is a big group of unsung Hero that fought and died for the land. All under the name of Singapore British

Who Cares About French Revolution

French Revolution seems like mother of Modern Revolution. Although some Historian said it is replace by another Tyrant Rules. But the Impact to the world is significant. With later America Independence Revolution. And the Russian October Red Revolution (Russian Revolution  ??! Thought they said it is an Evil Empire) Should not use these term any-more. Its a Cold-War Empire Strike back termilogy.

Chapter Singapore Geo.

NB : As the Chapter Develop, need some read up and dig out some old resource. Maybe some interview and "Some Thinking" or even Instant Research

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