Friday, December 18, 2015

Chapter X Fallout City and 25 Century Buck Roger

This is the Darkest Scenerio of all - Ultra Spicy Level. Please prepare 1 litre of Natutal mineral Water to continue.

End of the 2nd Nuclear Holucast, Human finally learnt that they should ban tactical Nuke as Well. They Ban All Stratetgic Nuclear after the 1 Holocust. Thinking that should keep some tactitial Cruise Missile just in case. Then only 25 % of earth Surface is accessible. 40% migrate to Moon with Artifical life support System 505. (See Alpha Century Chapter). 40 % live in Deep Sea City, 20,000 feet under water. Far from Surcase contamination. 5% of Industiral Engineeringin 3 Piece Robot suit supervising AI Driod in mining the last few fertile earth.
The earth surface was Resue 666666 Times until its last Cycle. Thru a Re-Green Technology. A sub sface of can be Recycle for 5555 Times another half a century. before full import from the Moon.

Buck Roger is a very Old TV futuristic Series. Too Bright in the Past it its like Battle Star Galatical Old (Not the Sentosa one, but the original Old series).

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