Friday, December 4, 2015


Strange in the sense that its not a mainstream TODAY view point. Neither is it a visiting resident opinion. It is somewhat center offset to the left and right, and NO STANCE. The language is simple enough for most common people. A mix of Complex Singlish and  Net-English (even minimal grammar error). Some English speaker may not be acquainted with this type of "Alien English" (from Cambridge Standard point of View. But some people of some region do use this type of English fairly commonly in their daily life.

The location is the Black Isles of Lion City Singapore. Freedom House labeled it as Partial Freedom. Some may agree, but local will say its a Opinionated Western Point of View. In some sense from a Oriental point of view, the one of the "Free-er " place in East Asia. And the Hard-Technical Backbone system of the Society is actually inherited from the British Common-wealth.

Chapter 1 The Commando Brigade and the Chinese Revolution.

1911 may not be a significant Number for some people. But for    some people its almost like a End-of -the-world Acpocrolyse event. Yes it is the year that the Imperial Chinese Qing Dynasty Collapse. Many people expect some Great Bloody Battle fought, but its relative Lesser Violent in World-Western sense. No Royal Head was dropped - But instead the Manchurian was award thousand tael of silver of fix income  and guaranteed safety. You might expect the people welcome the Great Revolution - sort of peace and happiness at the end of the story. But for some its kind of small Exodus - Better Emigrate to somewhere else but the home-land. So thus far its the Push factor that brings some of the Southern Chinese to come to Singapore - away from the the Power Hungry Warlord that tear China further apart.

The British Victoria rules half of the World than and Singapore is NOT a Fishing Village in the 1900s. Records actually show that its quite modern already.  There is even a Dry dock of value 500 million pound - the largest one in the world. Later during the World War Two Era.  There is a even a record of some Commando Brigade and Machine gun Battalion.

Guess some recommend to start with some story - but some History information is the closest one. ( may add some Picture for this one  - Draft 1)

Chapter 2                                                                                                                                        

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