Friday, December 4, 2015

Chapter 2 Still some History and Castle Singapore

Singapore as a castle is not a New concept, it is actually quite Old as in historical old. The Brits Official call SG as the Inpenetratable Fortress.

Not to defend the Colonial rule, of course the Anti-Colonialism is the g-Main-stream Thinking. But historically , the Brits did their part in defending Singapore during WW2. Most will say that that skinny Ang-Mo General Surrender on the very First Day without a fight. But the fact these the Japanese Imperial Guard took 3 wave of attack just to break the first shore defence at Sarimbun.

Before that at Muar Area the Japanese did suffer a defeat by ambush by a British Australian Division. Further inland, the invading force got lost in the mangrove forest and almost give up. No War is easy, even for the Samurai.

Castle Singapore

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