Sunday, December 13, 2015



Quite a controversial issue, not topic.

From Biology point of view there is different.
You cannot deny that just check the DNA composition.

Mongoliod and Sino is quite close Biologically.
Close like Japanese-Sino Close.
Saw a picture of Both China Leader and Japanese Leader --Really looks like Brother.

Seldom see Mongolian these days.
But these Ruthless Barbarian are actually very Smart. Invented the Composite Bow which is even better than the British Long Bow.
Still have a ruthless fame until these days.

Japanese actuallyy call themselves Da-He People, People of the Big Harmony.
Borrow Obviously from China Text.

Guess For SG.
Even if you cannot expand, at least Hold your Ground.

NB  - really already Most Spicy for me. Anything else please check Others.

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