Friday, December 25, 2015

Under the Coconut Tree

This is not some Story or even Street Talk but some Harder Fact.

Although there are No "Secret Police" in Singapore , there are various High  Security Team of various level. Some local will know and some information are open in the net.


The Police Still has its SWAT Team - Special Weapon and Tactic, and it is Not call the Flying-Tiger.

The Red Car - This the Special Command that you still see once a while in City Center.

Crack Commando - This are the Real Professional Commando that is Operational. A recent documentary show some action in a Changi Air-port Incident, Yes the DO put the Trigger.

Ranger Trained - This is a 65 Day Military Ranger Course.

SOF - This is the Rumor Special Task Force.

Police Dog Unit - Only seen once. A Real Dog, not very fierce like the German Shepard at the Air-port. Guess it is the Special Dog.

Demolition n Team - Once a while at construct side, you do find some WW2 stuff.

Gurkas - These days most are station in the Prison Service - I guess

NB : These are real data, so need a double check

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