Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Pump SG - some setting

Project Tiger Force
20KG Dumbbell Set (1 pair 40kg)
Premium Weight Bench
SellinCost TLST-66 Multi Function Home Gym Station: Fitness Workout Press Machine

wake up your ideas

actually is one of the Army Lingo.

Guess SG still have not wake up yet.
The world is changing fast.
Many are still thinking Chinese is a Cheap Factory Making Cheap Product.


(note - Canton is Province level only )

Design and First Ink


First Ink.
Should have a PDF version first. (Play Safe)
Cooling down Peroid

Pump SG - 5 Method (logy)

Probable with mix up the main five kind of Exercise Magazine.

Health Magazine.
Muscle and Fitness.
Flex Magazine.
Men Fitness

and some Chinese Li Ning Training

Notes Little and Gowing Up

Growing Up is the Current Theme.
Notes Little  is the General Style and maybe content scope.

Start from the more general - Notes Little
Obama of USA is actually the special one among the president.
Probably the only one that's comes out a Book and even win a Nobel Prize before his End of President Term.

Seems likes setting some new trend and standard.
For sure He is going to make some Impact, he indicates.
From the projectile of His Awe and Glows around Him, spell some sort of GREATNESS before His term.

SG media is still not so Open yet, although things are much better now.
Everything you think or going to say, plays safe cut half the Content and some  DIY EDIT.
Should be quite OK if the Blog content is not too prominent.

May be some notes Little will help in some indirect Virtual Credit , and May be some sort of complimentary presence. As you are not so digital , but some what Biological also. Better still if it help to some commercial project bottom line. And Score some POINT

Growing Up.
Schools Days are not as Hectic compare to these days. Even if you are in those Elite School, theres is still lots of Time on the Fun and Games ECA. The School is not so Pressure Cooker too. Most of the Teacher are those Nice Nice Kind, even the Discipline Master is not totally strict. Some school even have strange culture like doing Mass Exercise early in the morning. Yes they really practice Healthy Life-style.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Socio - no plan no action 1

Becos you dun know how open is SG these days.
There are many liberal minded people.
But the old shook conservative uncles are still around.

The social media is becoming a norm.
But there are still many with no Facebook account.

The Law is still tight in SG.
There is even new Lemon Law and Law on Durian on the MRT.

Little Iron Theory

Of course there may be never be anykind of ISM in Singapore.
Not even some sort philosophy.

It's not too bad in Biblical Sense, as there is not much of a Bondage or Burden.

It's all about Practical Economy Merchantism, Next Generation Technologism  and some mass thinking.

But still need to keep some old steel intact.
The worry is falling more on the Chaos side.

May be its a good idea to promote some some MMA SG version ( mix martial art)
May sound kind of bit VIOLENT.
But it's for the good.
May be can reach full defence capability one generation early. ( guess its like 5G)
It's always about efficiency.

Dun worry , just demonstrations and then practice drill. Low social town level.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Dun Skip your PE lesson anymore

Probably the last few thoughts on Sport and Gold.
Not just for Glory and Super Focus in just a few talent.
Physical Education is as important as any other subject.

Just why Singapore put so much emphasis on defense.
But Thinks Physical Education and Sport as something lesser.
The paper chase seems had gone over the hill.
Actually some new school Corporate Trainer says ENERGY is one of the Key to Success.

Heard that some school often replace the PE lesson with some Heavy subject like Maths.
The Basketball players are the bad apples that dun study well.
In fact Mighty Pen and Power Arms can comes hand in hand both at the same time.

Dear SG : You are no more a SMALL country

Guess many still quite hard to comprehend this.

This may be my one of the first few series  on Singapore.
Dun worry its at most social light level , nothing to serious.

May be start with just some warm up and trial and try first.
See how warm is the water.
If its too hot, will stay away from it.

Some background ...

Education wise , just at mundane college level.
Not those first class hon level, far from scholarship.
But some background talk by teacher say you are great, from the GREAT China.

Those early days still have some Great Bristish nostalgia lingering.
Magaret Thatcher is Still the IRON lady.
BP Bristish Petrol and Rolls Royce is still doing well.
England is still Great but not too Great, until joker mr Bean comes by. British seems a bit like a joke then after.

On SG and Such randomly :

As for Singapore, many guess we're told that you are a SMALL country.
But according to some Data, SG is no more SMALL.
Some commentator say its actually some what MEDIUM.

Quite hard to understand.
Now there is a Region Sport Medal Tally.
Even got NO. 1 for the first half.
Not too bad at all.



Thursday, June 18, 2015

Rainbow Gold and coconut tree. ( may be a tech farm will do)

So where is the gold at the end of the rainbow in Singapore.

a)The Coconut Tree

b) Tech Farm

c) Property and Finance

d) Professional Field

A Hi-Tech Urban Tech Farm (indoor) may just made the cut for Singapore.
The nearest is Japan (little land-scarce)
USA and other Big country is out.
(may be some USA advance hi-tech can made it too in Singapore Woodland area)


Socio Capital Science Singapore (DIY)

Quite a weird combination for Singapore, its social cum capitalist.

Due to Trading Hub Nature of Singapore, it can't be a Socio Only Place.
Trade Merchandise Commercialism is fore-front in every sector.
Its a inborn thing.

But due to some "historical issue" its somehow Socio also.
Much you can see its the public housing policy and the strange dominant of Trade Union in Business Sector. (its even has its own Skyscraper in the City skyline line up, together with the big bankers and MNCs.

Some says capitalist is kind of "DOG eat Dog " environment.
But for Singapore, sometime its too tame to say it.

Maybe like the Bat man Gotham City of the East.
Or the Star War Fringe City - Child Vader hometown with rouges and speed race.

reason - behind the Law by Law face, there is.
Official Casino
License Money Lender (I suspect they are the legal loan Shark)

NB. - Just atop up on the knowledge for the other side of the brain.
Major is Mechanical Engineering (hard subject), the other side of NUS Social Science (seem like all soft)

estimations its a
Capitalist (25% right)
Socio (5 % left)

The World Best Rain Forest Zoo

The World Best Rain Forest Zoo
Singapore Zoological Garden


Simple Plan - Pump SG 21

1. General Exercise (Conditioning)

2. General Exercise (Performance)

3. Cardio and Weight (Weight Management)

4. Muscle and Built

5. Customize and Special

bonus - radical special case and sport performance

Diet and Nutrition - Pump SG 21


Detox Tea

HL Milk


(Take Separate at different time)

Target Training Solution

Target Training Solution

Project 1 - Energy and Pump it Up(Tiger Force)


Diet recommendation
HL Milk

Project 2 - Migthy Pen

Random notes - random ideas

Satellite town is still the best way in Singapore.
If not internationally, as Singapore city planning is quite good also.

All the major stuff are convenient in the town.
From swimming pool to shopping mall.
Some major town are actually more active and vibrant than the central, due to local town population nearby.

Still thinks that people are very forgetful.
There is always a new some super star every month for people to follow.
Some good people will be soon forgotten in fast pace ci society.
Things just slip by .

There is actually a new bridge at the city front.
People just walk from esplanade to Merlion.
How very big project, just is at prominent place.
And it's just beside iconic Merlion.

How about Bridge. ....XXX?

This can be done socially.
The new Navy ship really need officially authorithy . And sign board on the ship.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Games Gold and training energy

Games is not right word.
Sports seems to be more xiong then many activities.

But guess they uses it for long time already.
Chinese call it sport gathering, seems more appropriate.
Not much a game but a competition on nation physical strength and some diplomatic purpose.

With millions invested, it's much larger impact and influence that the field.
Imagine those elite sportsman from countries, much be quite high in social status.
With x10 supporter, meaning tourism income too.
And multiplie apeffect after they goes back with stuff toys and orchard shopping gift.
The returns should be good economically for mid long term.

Keep many young volunteers occupied also.

((And the new stadium should be called ... ... ...
U Guess.))

Training is an import corporate training too.
Some training method even put ENERGY as one of the highlighs of the success factor.

Silver and gold. SEA Game SG

Vietnam is coining quite strong, none ground or not.

SEA game is not just water sport.
Got air, air rifle.
And land sport too.

S'pore still dun really comprehend that can be No. 1 in sport. Just the physical stuff.
Even the total medal tally is the highest. In these sport it's may be less than just a few or quater of a second ( easy say than done)

May be just some strategy moving around will do.
When not home ground, may got to up a whole level.

Told you even eating the food is not very good.
Even got stomach aches case in regional class event.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Fantastic Lion City - City Tour Singapore

Jump in into a mini bus is a fine way to tour around Singapore lion city.

First stop is the Classic Merlion Park. An overview of the city skyline and the bay.

There end should be the botanic garden with optional orchid garden.
The new route may end at the Singapore flyer with a good turn.

Something in between may be orchard road.
Some goes raffles hotel and Singapore Sling.
Local favourite will be a stop at durian stall.
Some consider the common breakfast n egg an attraction too.

Zoo may sound boring to some.But it's a safe bet for family fun. It's still top list for Singapore tour.
Sentosa USS is the new hotspot.

The latest will be River Safari.
Jurong Chinese Garden may be included in the future after some makeover.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Unsettle language

Still quite not yet settle and fix in cast stone yet for language Singapore.

At for mandarin Chinese , standard should be those being CCTV , dun know got the media name correct or not.
BBC English and NBC Fox new seems like the gold standard in the west.

Singapore still not quite clear even about it's Singlish.
Dun the don't and do the do.

Social science 123

Social engineering seem sometime scary. But social science look like one of the soft subject in NUS.
Some think it's not very useful compare to applied tech and business accounting.

But if the world is a bank and a big robot machine. Human will be ok with just banker and scientist.
But it's still a human society.
Some basic knowledge with social science will be good.
At least the science part sound bit familiar and pshye sound bit scary.

Pump SG 303 advance : eat it

Eat for pump in the gym may be consider advance subject in Singapore.
The food standard is not very healthy in SG.
Fill with delicious eat out, not much healthy choice.
Even western Junk food like McDonald, are consider hugenic restarant food by relative standard.

So gym goer just east thier pig organ rice to replenish the energy.
Guess those health food store has some hard time in Singapore market.

For those low carbo and no carbo diet pusher.
Good for short term weight cutting.
But for long term, may affect daily energy level.
Seems low sugar starch carbo level means low daily energy.

For advance trainer , still got to load some carbohydrate as part of the diet.
For old school like Arnold, guess the technology is not still that advance.
Majority still rely on rational good eating.

Ultimate protein formula. HL milk and double hard boil egg.

Those chemically enhance food seems has good marketing .
Guess its a lucrative market.
But dun kow the long term effect will be what.

Coconut tree and SEA game sport

Just realize that banyan tree is actually the Rong Shu Xia. No wonder some famous people like to use this tree to Romanies thier business and work. Becos there is a famous Chinese hokkien song banyan tree beside the road that goes evergreen for decades.

Nothing too romantic about coconut tree however. More for nutritient value nd some holiday resort photo shot. Kind of too thin of leave and figure. But some sport market embrace coconut juice as the ultimate super food. But it's like dollar for a dozen in some east coast Malaysia first hand seller.

Socially not much couple meet up under the coconut tree. Although SG is an island, beach side is still quite a novelty. Only east coast and the man made sentosa. That all you can get. A small patch of west coast got beach but it's too industrialized for any Romanism.

May be more people get to meet up in hobbie sport and cosy gym.

May be for the first time Singapore got the chance to top SEA game, just hold on.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

SEA game 15 and gold

First may be its not common sense to some. But SEA is not the ocean sea, but south east Asia. Say Vietnam .... It's also included land sport running and ball games. And some air like air rifle and diving thru the air.

Quite a big event for Singapore, Asian game is slightly too big a theatre for sportsman to gain attention. SEA seems competitive enough but not too strong opponent. Still can't imagine SG against Advance Japan.

Vietnam seems coming strong, current at third in medal tally. SG dun know will hold the top gold for how long, as the track and field main event start. Too many bronze, kind of wasted, if could push a bit more to,silver and silver to gold. May endure the lead to the end. Since its the host, can spread it around so got some chance at the end to play with. Dun not how to say. Some bronze holder at the beginning see already top since can drop one or two medal.

But easy to say, at the heat of top competetion , who knows. May be a good gold lead in the beginning is a good morale push. Dunmknow SG got Top,SEA before or not. Seems like a good chance. To beat some bigger guys.

Just saw SG just crush Mymar in basket ball

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Mix martial art little.

This the fringe version, DIY free style.
Totally nothing to do with the MMA proper.
Probable kind of mixture of style of Karate and Boxing, and tonnes of othe mixture.

Probable with make it free style. The other 50 percent is up on your own.
Boxing is just those few punches. But there are many level of play.
Unlike Chinese style with definite moves.
Karate even set it into learnable drill, that good too, at least got some where to start with.
Modern people think dun takes the 3 month horse stand.

Just for normal exercise. And as a HIIT alternative.
Just experimental trial, nothing defensive.
Was doing at 25% power , already quite tiring. 50 for sport, and hopefully no need to use the 75%.
Just 25 % power stroke will deter 300% of people away.

My idea is 40 normal exercise.
40% weight training. Likely up two size.
And some basic set of boxercise like se. Not even drill. Should be well off the boundary. Quite safe.

Nature can some time quite


Of course enjoying the breeze of the forest, early in the morning enjoy the sunrise at a mountain summit. That's sound cool or even romantic. Many will also see the climb as a good test for some leadership.

But those especially went to the field will always hear the commander says safety first, take good care of yourself and equipment when in the field. Season,trek walker will knows that even a wrong footing on a hole meaning ankle sprain and on medical leave for the next week. Especially when you are loading with all sort of baring baranv here and there during exercise trip.

Even it's a casual trip,like hill climbing like Ophir, which can be done on one days. Frequent injury or even fatal when rainy season  is not uncommon. Even has 2nd hand experience of injury serious with just a one day Ophir climb. And it could be fatal if luck is not on our side.

SG people may have to urbanites these days and forget the hazard of the nature.
It's not all cool breeze and go green stuff that all ok.

People get lost even in machritchie when they take the wrong turn in the treks nature. Just beware.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Pumplogy SG - old school super hero essential

Not a plan just some tips.
Some ideas from those super man + spiderman + batman training plan.

Like some serious fun but not too serious.
The original plan recommend train to failure.
But 80-90% will do for serious fun version, and to advoid injury.
( gym looks like a fun place to be for exercise ... But....

Normal 3 set will do.
For experience and advance trainer, add 50% or 4-5 set.

Sun skip the diet part.
And some cardio and military jog will help.

Should be quite complete.

It goese some thing like this.

Chest Back Shoulder.
Crunch and Bicep/tricep.
Cardio and Stretching.

Start light for beginner.
Experience one can go head.