Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Games Gold and training energy

Games is not right word.
Sports seems to be more xiong then many activities.

But guess they uses it for long time already.
Chinese call it sport gathering, seems more appropriate.
Not much a game but a competition on nation physical strength and some diplomatic purpose.

With millions invested, it's much larger impact and influence that the field.
Imagine those elite sportsman from countries, much be quite high in social status.
With x10 supporter, meaning tourism income too.
And multiplie apeffect after they goes back with stuff toys and orchard shopping gift.
The returns should be good economically for mid long term.

Keep many young volunteers occupied also.

((And the new stadium should be called ... ... ...
U Guess.))

Training is an import corporate training too.
Some training method even put ENERGY as one of the highlighs of the success factor.

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