Sunday, June 7, 2015

Mix martial art little.

This the fringe version, DIY free style.
Totally nothing to do with the MMA proper.
Probable kind of mixture of style of Karate and Boxing, and tonnes of othe mixture.

Probable with make it free style. The other 50 percent is up on your own.
Boxing is just those few punches. But there are many level of play.
Unlike Chinese style with definite moves.
Karate even set it into learnable drill, that good too, at least got some where to start with.
Modern people think dun takes the 3 month horse stand.

Just for normal exercise. And as a HIIT alternative.
Just experimental trial, nothing defensive.
Was doing at 25% power , already quite tiring. 50 for sport, and hopefully no need to use the 75%.
Just 25 % power stroke will deter 300% of people away.

My idea is 40 normal exercise.
40% weight training. Likely up two size.
And some basic set of boxercise like se. Not even drill. Should be well off the boundary. Quite safe.

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