Tuesday, June 9, 2015

SEA game 15 and gold

First may be its not common sense to some. But SEA is not the ocean sea, but south east Asia. Say Vietnam .... It's also included land sport running and ball games. And some air like air rifle and diving thru the air.

Quite a big event for Singapore, Asian game is slightly too big a theatre for sportsman to gain attention. SEA seems competitive enough but not too strong opponent. Still can't imagine SG against Advance Japan.

Vietnam seems coming strong, current at third in medal tally. SG dun know will hold the top gold for how long, as the track and field main event start. Too many bronze, kind of wasted, if could push a bit more to,silver and silver to gold. May endure the lead to the end. Since its the host, can spread it around so got some chance at the end to play with. Dun not how to say. Some bronze holder at the beginning see already top since can drop one or two medal.

But easy to say, at the heat of top competetion , who knows. May be a good gold lead in the beginning is a good morale push. Dunmknow SG got Top,SEA before or not. Seems like a good chance. To beat some bigger guys.

Just saw SG just crush Mymar in basket ball

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