Thursday, June 11, 2015

Coconut tree and SEA game sport

Just realize that banyan tree is actually the Rong Shu Xia. No wonder some famous people like to use this tree to Romanies thier business and work. Becos there is a famous Chinese hokkien song banyan tree beside the road that goes evergreen for decades.

Nothing too romantic about coconut tree however. More for nutritient value nd some holiday resort photo shot. Kind of too thin of leave and figure. But some sport market embrace coconut juice as the ultimate super food. But it's like dollar for a dozen in some east coast Malaysia first hand seller.

Socially not much couple meet up under the coconut tree. Although SG is an island, beach side is still quite a novelty. Only east coast and the man made sentosa. That all you can get. A small patch of west coast got beach but it's too industrialized for any Romanism.

May be more people get to meet up in hobbie sport and cosy gym.

May be for the first time Singapore got the chance to top SEA game, just hold on.

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