Thursday, June 18, 2015

Socio Capital Science Singapore (DIY)

Quite a weird combination for Singapore, its social cum capitalist.

Due to Trading Hub Nature of Singapore, it can't be a Socio Only Place.
Trade Merchandise Commercialism is fore-front in every sector.
Its a inborn thing.

But due to some "historical issue" its somehow Socio also.
Much you can see its the public housing policy and the strange dominant of Trade Union in Business Sector. (its even has its own Skyscraper in the City skyline line up, together with the big bankers and MNCs.

Some says capitalist is kind of "DOG eat Dog " environment.
But for Singapore, sometime its too tame to say it.

Maybe like the Bat man Gotham City of the East.
Or the Star War Fringe City - Child Vader hometown with rouges and speed race.

reason - behind the Law by Law face, there is.
Official Casino
License Money Lender (I suspect they are the legal loan Shark)

NB. - Just atop up on the knowledge for the other side of the brain.
Major is Mechanical Engineering (hard subject), the other side of NUS Social Science (seem like all soft)

estimations its a
Capitalist (25% right)
Socio (5 % left)

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