Saturday, May 30, 2015

Military strength

Military strength also determine by technology and strategy.

Guess how big is Mongol , today about 3 million.
The biggest land  empire by might .

Holland Spain and Portugese seems not to big in today's term right.
Once half of the world was divided among them.

( this one kind of hardcore, a bit uncomfortable)

Interst little : social thinking minor

Still quite a important area for almost everyone.
At least modern people, living in congested urban environment.

Especially when place becomes more "people orientated"
May be some time even some decision are through consensus.
Who is its not good.

Lesser obey the majority. Like some common sense proverbs.

Chapter Six : The secret of army survival

Army in Singapore is not so Glam and hero things.
Every one got to do it, or half of people.

Basically there is two camp, some just want to get by , and get on with Life.
But this is life, where you want to go ?

Some want to perform or make a mark.
Make getting into OCS or selected for Commando is a good thing.
Don't mind the harsher training.

Some think it's a good career choice. ( more practical minded)
eg like : I serve 6 year, got two year free off loading.
Got some job training and early economy income.
Sound like not too bad job too from the glossy marketing poster.

Chapter 5 - rainbow and gold

Not much result yet.

But can be some reference tips for people.

SG is still relatively a more economic good place to be.
Even the oil and gas may deplete some day.
But trade and technology seems can keeps on going.

Merchants trade here and there very early.
Tech and innovation seems like a never ending spiral up. Just up the game. ( seems no ending and nothing good or bad)

Since its still a much more business friendly environment.
More adaptive to business idea and tech inno that many place.

A rough estimation economically should be able to do well.

Unless there is special interest in Violin Play.
Or good at basket ball slam dunk.

Still can make it OK as a business model as the sport or special talent is not too cold.
Should still have market.

Unless you have special talent in five stone throwing, or a Top Street Figther Game player. Then there may be a problem with the market.

Natural training split - with extra

The extra are FRESH EGG and HL MILK.

The Training Random.
(not much system yet)

Upper Upper (emphasis 2:1)

Lower and Cardio ( emphasis. 2:1)

Something like that.

1/2 carbo diet

3 day warrior diet.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Basic Law, Social Norm and Social lite

Some Basic real Law that some people may not know.

Social Norm
This is sort of culture norm. Not Law but apply in wider scale.
Seems more like,daily guide line.

semi Law that some hit the finge of legal Law.
Most people do it.
Total upset if violated

Pump SG : old school advance

Seems like some old school training

Continue to train two set without rest.

After one set drop,some weight and push some more.

Reverse drop set (DIY)
After one set add some weight and push some more.



Pum SG : split little

Just know why they do split training in the past.
 If you over strain some upper muscle. Still can train lower or do cardio.
Sprain you ankle, do some pull and push.

Now the compound traing split into light and heavy day.
 One step more complex.
And the diet got to watch also.

Social lite : trial

Social term is quite confusing.
Left wing stuff means you give many back to the society good for overall welfare, kinf of lite social system.

 Right wing stuff seems more capitalist. Favors the enterprise, less welfare. But good for overall all wealth creation.

But things not so simple.
US democrats seems more left wings, as some national insurance policy was favourite. But also quite hard line as it end some regional war.
Republic Bush seems more capitalist right wing.
CN is still on the Left on the Top, but middle and majority common has gone free Enterprise.

SG always choice the middle stuff. If the Best one cannot be decided.

Book three - rainbow gold

Chapter 10

Chapter 4

Rockie little

Just push the physical body side a little bit more.

Chaper Three

Curiou cat.
Social issue light.

Pump SG 101 - basic

Maybe  the old school split training is still usefull.
Dun know any one out there is practice that.

Seem the new school is more on compound training.
Those nutrition health food is still a far fetch for Singapore.

Good enough if you can munch  some double fish burger or big Mac.
Salmon is considered on of highest content of protein
Good for normal protein diet.
For the street hawker food eater, the egg omelette is the best (check out chai tao Kway stall)

For the advance enthusiast.
Guess the highest eating special diet you can go is double dose HL high protein milk.
Or just DIY some hard boild egg.

This will be good  for even for most advance trainer.

The Bad Old Days SG

Not everything old is good.
Army in the old days can be quite nasty.
Even the super old bird was suspect to have to carry thier bed around the parade square.

The old system is different too.
Not much Colnel those days, as the army is not that big yet.
Just a Staff seargent is very Big, in charge of the whole parade square.

There is only one kind of seagent, mostly are those sign on regulars pro.
Normal commanders are call the NCOS, which can give push up up to 100 and beyond.

Not much people will consider Army as thier career choice.
Unlike today's with SAF promo marketing material that was done pitch perfect.
One of the reason is that you really got to eat those Hard Biscuit and canned baked bean as you lunch if you are in the field. Unlike today you have nutrition combat ration packed in alumimium foil. ( heard you can really heat those thing up too. Anyone tried that)

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Pumplogy SG 303 - new twist

Science do have a part to play in the most macho activity. If not why there is a bachelor of sport and nutrition science. Of course there is some theory behind. In fact Biology is one of the fundamental of life and school subject. Not just goes to lift some Iron or brick and then.

Of course it's still like 80% physical work. It's no uses doing a PHD in muscular science and see your trainee grow twice as the teacher. Doing most workout with some review will be the best. At least flip some men health magazine and try some method.

Intermediate 3 set normal plus one heavy.

3 set heavy. With refuel

Add some PUNCH

Note : the food part may be most difficult for Singapore. Go for Diet, Impossible for Guys. Guess even the SEA game player don't play much attention to eat. Unless you are those hard core body builder or boxing tae kwa do that need to watch the weight category.

Saturday, May 23, 2015


Will feel better if get more nationalistic this time around. Though alway feel SG is more of a co-operative country and still relatively new. But after all it's still a country. SEA game sport will  be a good start. Of course will not expect people to support it as Liverpool or Man U. But the official "propaganda" really push quite hard. Even put some sportsman to some glam touch.

Regional - still got to link up with Shanghai and New York. Even some other city are catching up fast. Don't expect Vietnam noodle anymore. There is even new SMU Vietnam and many tech startup coming up. The game is really up.

Perhaps those creative line is really still have some advantage. Even CN has a long way to copyright issue. Seems not very techno things or even business resource. But somehow ... The culture made it so.

First ink chapter 2

History may be one of the most boring subject in school.
And worst still it may have not any significant economy benefit.

Who wants to know the story of the last tiger of Singapore.
99 % percent of the people prefer the launch of Apple I watch , or the spring season collection of Gucci bag.
But the subject is there for some reason.

May be for some nostalgic recollection of the footprint walk.
More constructively, there are still some gem in some old stuff.
Revising the old may comes out something useful and new improve.

For the last tiger , there is really a bounty for some tiger caught.
Obviously, animal right law is unheard  of those days.
Forest land are still need to be claim for agriculture purpose.
And the big cat are the original inhabitors.

The  days where tiger hunter  as  hero  are over.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Two or three

Quite controversial  policy.
Today worry is the replacement birthdate.

Educational policy is another hot debate issue until now.
At least the school these day are so successful that MOE textbook find its way into America school.
It's estimate that about two thousand US school uses that of the Singapore version, saying its math syllabus is more rigorous.and it's done by some private independent company that promote it.

The Black society

Not referring to the color, but the gangster and triad facet of some society. Like those batman Gotham, old Chicago or the 60s hong kong. For Singapore, behind the shiny title of first world and F1 racing, lies some shaky foundation that still exist.
LAN shark incident is still a regular in 21 century Singapore.hes , paint will be splash right at your door step. And the interest rate make the most sophism aged wall street financial plan pales. It's counted seems like weekly.

No body knows why it's still around. Thought that's old school hong kong drama. Butbehind the highly educated work force, some old history is not so glamourous at all. In fact you still can see you people with whole body dragon tattooed. Sound like those Japanese gang. But SG gang is much more original. Guess in mainland china, already extinct. Even those china drama which suppose to have the " hero" founder  got some censorship away. But it's still quite alive in SG in town street level. In the

In the olden days not too long ago. Casting a certain kind of gaze on the street means you are inviting for a fight. Not a friendly sport tae kwando sparing exercise, but some knock that will end in  hospital with stitch. Some Chinese night newspaper still report these incident irregularly. It is still not historical yet.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Rule of the black society

Some time you still come across some guy with thier whole body tattooed in dragon. Mostly you can see in hong kong and seems extinct in China. These endangered species is rare in Singapore but still exist.

Some people talk - free speech

Actually Taiwan as a society is more open than Singapore in some way. There is a talk show call all people anyhow talk. Of course this will never happen in Singapore. Many prefer action louder than word.

As for FREEDOM SPEECH. This will be quite a shock to some people. Freedom of Speech is actually under Singapore constitution, the supreme law. With all the debate in the newspaper. What have you have to say when the CONSTITUTION clause clearly define it as one of the law. Constitution is consider the house rule of a nation.

In practical fact Singapore may be socially more advance even compare to that of US there is many strict LAW at federal level and state level. You could get sue in McDonald when the coffee is too hot. This will be considered too ridiculous to more practical minded Singapore. In fact in the old school underworld Singapore many can still can away with legal crime with some scape goat. In hongkong movie the one that get to jail in place of the gang chief will usually be handsomely rewarded.


Manchrian are the last people that rule the china dynasty. Not really han Chinese in tradition sense. The Qing might be still a monarchy if they are still a han dynasty. The Qing was overthrown partly becos the imperial system when out of date. And also most Chinese prefer a rule by its own people.

Oversea Chinese is a new breed. Singapore is also still quite a new nation in long history sense. There is actually more Chinese in malasia, and much more in south east Asia.

The west is more familiar with Bruce lee and jackie chan. Bruce lee however is consider quite a ABC more of the angmo Chinese. The Jackie chan is the unqiue hong kong Chinese. The china will separate hong as the special zone in the grand strategic scale.

Singapore is totally a separate political and national identity. Often mix with hongkong. It politically and historically close to Malaysia. And may be need to emphasis it's not one of the china province and it's at the south of the Malaysia peninsula.

SG seems grow in influce with time and now many refer Sinapore as the hub and reference point. It's still early to say as the top plan is to grow Singapore with two million more up to 6.9 million. And urban development long plan up to fifth year
 For city development, and that just the hardware part. There is still many new central city to be pull down and bult, the marinas. And up to this point a new link with mask north with link a
Most portable at jurong

The second half not much related to the title manchrian.

Chapter 2.1 curious cat

Social issue is always interesting but sensitive. To broad for most people even to know a slice. It used to dominated by strait time contributor with power to talk gone out of proportion. Thanks to blog and self publishing, these day common people with some literal skill can spike some voice somewhere. Although its still unheard most of the time. But at least there is these out these day with unknown response, if there is any.

Singapore old school demographic, can only speak for SG Chinese, or Chinese Singapore. The three dialect group Hokkien which is most dominant, follow by Teochew and Cantonese. Cantonese due to the hongkong drama effect is quite a popular dialect, some see it as a classy one. Hokkein is the common tongue dialect that sometime over write the MADARIN common tongue. Most young people these days speak good mandarin due to national education. Hokkein at street level is hard to die part due to some foriegn Taiwan influence, or the fact that it's still a alive language at grassroots level. In fact Hokkein by itself as a south china province is as big as twenty million in population, much bigger in size and gDP that many nation.

Some other articulacy demography will be the English ED and the Chinese Ed. The boundary used to be very clear cut, but as societ develop, the bridge is getting smaller and smaller. There is also some old Baba strait born Chinese, and new immigrant Chinese. Quite a complex issue.

There is also the have and have not. The most obvious is the car owners and condo people. And the top,end are the ultra of the bult Titan and sentosa, which is out of reach to most common and middle class people.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

U r no more

A small nation.
Actually some observer put SG on quite a high rank of military power. Becos of the conscspription method , NS make it very high in army man power reserve. Some even exaggerate to almost a million force, which is much over estimate. Sound like some north Korea number. Even if it's allout call, it's about three division operational. Not too big in number and fire power.

The number is 300k on paper. The biggest force seen assembly is about 1000 pax armed brigade level. Not enough for full coastal defend but more than enough for any internal stuff. Only seen long convoy of divional level oversea.

This not include any tech and strategy, which SG suppose to be very good at.

Fried Kway Teow (Prawn), Chicken Rice Ball

Fried Kway Teow (Prawn)
 Chicken Rice Ball
(Food Court)
Cook and Fry (East West Dish)
+ special
Small Restaurant

Photography Light Tent, Portable DIY

Photography Light Tent
 Portable DIY