Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Black society

Not referring to the color, but the gangster and triad facet of some society. Like those batman Gotham, old Chicago or the 60s hong kong. For Singapore, behind the shiny title of first world and F1 racing, lies some shaky foundation that still exist.
LAN shark incident is still a regular in 21 century Singapore.hes , paint will be splash right at your door step. And the interest rate make the most sophism aged wall street financial plan pales. It's counted seems like weekly.

No body knows why it's still around. Thought that's old school hong kong drama. Butbehind the highly educated work force, some old history is not so glamourous at all. In fact you still can see you people with whole body dragon tattooed. Sound like those Japanese gang. But SG gang is much more original. Guess in mainland china, already extinct. Even those china drama which suppose to have the " hero" founder  got some censorship away. But it's still quite alive in SG in town street level. In the

In the olden days not too long ago. Casting a certain kind of gaze on the street means you are inviting for a fight. Not a friendly sport tae kwando sparing exercise, but some knock that will end in  hospital with stitch. Some Chinese night newspaper still report these incident irregularly. It is still not historical yet.

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