Saturday, May 30, 2015

Chapter 5 - rainbow and gold

Not much result yet.

But can be some reference tips for people.

SG is still relatively a more economic good place to be.
Even the oil and gas may deplete some day.
But trade and technology seems can keeps on going.

Merchants trade here and there very early.
Tech and innovation seems like a never ending spiral up. Just up the game. ( seems no ending and nothing good or bad)

Since its still a much more business friendly environment.
More adaptive to business idea and tech inno that many place.

A rough estimation economically should be able to do well.

Unless there is special interest in Violin Play.
Or good at basket ball slam dunk.

Still can make it OK as a business model as the sport or special talent is not too cold.
Should still have market.

Unless you have special talent in five stone throwing, or a Top Street Figther Game player. Then there may be a problem with the market.

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