Saturday, May 23, 2015

First ink chapter 2

History may be one of the most boring subject in school.
And worst still it may have not any significant economy benefit.

Who wants to know the story of the last tiger of Singapore.
99 % percent of the people prefer the launch of Apple I watch , or the spring season collection of Gucci bag.
But the subject is there for some reason.

May be for some nostalgic recollection of the footprint walk.
More constructively, there are still some gem in some old stuff.
Revising the old may comes out something useful and new improve.

For the last tiger , there is really a bounty for some tiger caught.
Obviously, animal right law is unheard  of those days.
Forest land are still need to be claim for agriculture purpose.
And the big cat are the original inhabitors.

The  days where tiger hunter  as  hero  are over.

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