Friday, May 15, 2015

Some people talk - free speech

Actually Taiwan as a society is more open than Singapore in some way. There is a talk show call all people anyhow talk. Of course this will never happen in Singapore. Many prefer action louder than word.

As for FREEDOM SPEECH. This will be quite a shock to some people. Freedom of Speech is actually under Singapore constitution, the supreme law. With all the debate in the newspaper. What have you have to say when the CONSTITUTION clause clearly define it as one of the law. Constitution is consider the house rule of a nation.

In practical fact Singapore may be socially more advance even compare to that of US there is many strict LAW at federal level and state level. You could get sue in McDonald when the coffee is too hot. This will be considered too ridiculous to more practical minded Singapore. In fact in the old school underworld Singapore many can still can away with legal crime with some scape goat. In hongkong movie the one that get to jail in place of the gang chief will usually be handsomely rewarded.

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