Friday, May 15, 2015

Chapter 2.1 curious cat

Social issue is always interesting but sensitive. To broad for most people even to know a slice. It used to dominated by strait time contributor with power to talk gone out of proportion. Thanks to blog and self publishing, these day common people with some literal skill can spike some voice somewhere. Although its still unheard most of the time. But at least there is these out these day with unknown response, if there is any.

Singapore old school demographic, can only speak for SG Chinese, or Chinese Singapore. The three dialect group Hokkien which is most dominant, follow by Teochew and Cantonese. Cantonese due to the hongkong drama effect is quite a popular dialect, some see it as a classy one. Hokkein is the common tongue dialect that sometime over write the MADARIN common tongue. Most young people these days speak good mandarin due to national education. Hokkein at street level is hard to die part due to some foriegn Taiwan influence, or the fact that it's still a alive language at grassroots level. In fact Hokkein by itself as a south china province is as big as twenty million in population, much bigger in size and gDP that many nation.

Some other articulacy demography will be the English ED and the Chinese Ed. The boundary used to be very clear cut, but as societ develop, the bridge is getting smaller and smaller. There is also some old Baba strait born Chinese, and new immigrant Chinese. Quite a complex issue.

There is also the have and have not. The most obvious is the car owners and condo people. And the top,end are the ultra of the bult Titan and sentosa, which is out of reach to most common and middle class people.

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