Friday, January 29, 2016

Freelancer 3.0
(important too)
(important Three)

Award So Far (DIY)

Anti-Social De-Activist
dun ask  me how I Got it how Probably it is a 4 Paper Crab Equivalent.
(Some super senior ex MP ask how come never see me in the Circle}
Can only tell him just a Observer Citizen Journalist hoping Not getting into any trouble.
Probable will work towards
Some Social Activist (Unofficial- Third Party) 1/2 Rusty Star Persona SG
Chapter 2016

One way to supplement the lost of Super Senior is to add some Critical Thinking to Life.
Of course there is already some package course like De Bono Effective Thinking.

Further then that got to do some "research"
like some Essential Descartes, Kant or even all the Way back to Science Father Aristotle-Plato-Socrates . Or some summary or fiction like Sophie world.

NB : Seem like if the Thinking is OK, the Rest should be OK.
NB2 : Good for making decision too, some experience some advice, some Thinking ( Little Divine)

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Chapter Mr Photography

General Thinking, 5 Philosopher and Three Kingdom

Chapter Mr Think (use your Brain)

General Thinking (Method)

There is this General Thinking Method , started by gather and reading some basic material .Try to digest , understand and probably make some study. Think for a while , probably with some deduction and comparison, and also with some experience. Try to make some result and conclusion, or some smart estimation. And you get some sort of answer. This is with no  calculation or accurate numerical calculation, and no formula. Should be good for some decision making. Not very critical but may be useful to some.

The Full Thinking Method is a Small Book A Thinking Course by Edward De Bono. There is a whole range of Thinking Tools like PMI - Plus Minus Interest, and also some more strategic thinking tools. A online course is also available call Effective Thinking - seems like a good and up-to-date Thinking system.

5 Philosopher
This  may be the last Chapter of the 2nd book. Should be out soon, whole book of 35 page. Thro in some Ancient Thinker Philosopher which may be of good help. Just some random broken tips here and there. Not even an introduction proper. The Name should be OK. As the Big Three of the West, They are so called.


And Some Medieval/Renaissance Philosophical Thinker.
Descartes and Kant

Still much to read in this area.

Three Kingdom
Mr Zhu Geliang of China Three Kingdom is not a Philosopher.  More of a Chief Military Advisor (with Power of a General) and Kingdom Minister (becomes the Real King after His "master" Liu Bei passed on). He is one of the Chinese symbol of Intelligence and to a certain extend Loyalty.

Throw in some sort of "little invention"


Think In Box System

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Chapter X - Shanghai, New York and Singapore.

Chapter X- The Third Assault.

A Science-Fi Short Story
 Platoon 3 1st Laser Battalion is ready to launch their Third counter attack.
On a Giant Amour Vehicles of 20 Tonnes this 16 wheeled beast carry 25  1st Class Laser Trooper.
A Twin Plasma Canon mounted on Top as Main Armament with 10 Tube Milan 5 Rocket Missile. ( A mechanical device that does a good job too)
The Commander say it is a Curved Ambush. Double Straight Punch to destroy the Defiance Radar Base. No Air Support will be provided. You are own you own , he tells his Team of 25 Laser Gunner. Just some Plasma Artillery and Rocket Support Fire. The in-house Flying Drone is the only Aerial Scout Vehicle that only provide Intelligence , no fire support. So Finish all you Energy Charge and comes back on Time.

The Target is a Solar Satellite Radar that cover the Trade Federate communication system X6. Very easy task right , just scratch the Disk Surface and the whole thing will done in 1 mission session. Quite Easy Done right ?! say Commander Free-Bird. Ready set and Go.
Chapter X - Shanghai, New York and Singapore.
Probably will be two Chapter idea of a very short Novel Fiction, Probably Two or Three character between this Three City. Put in Singapore obvious playing on Singapore Nationalistic Sentiment. May be it is about a Singapore Prodigal Son coming back after along futile Wild Goose Chase.

Chapter X - What Do You Think and Aesop

Singapore Deepest Philosophical Question so far
What do you think is the "Deepest Philosophical Question " in Recent Singapore during a Minister-Student session. Most people may have forgotten this incident, what is the topic of that session. But this catch-phrase becomes the more permanent output contribution of the Session. It really coincide to a Real Philosopher Phrase some people might came across - I Think therefor I Am. It seems like probing some of the Chicken and Egg Question sometime I guess the Old Academy engage in. Do you exist because you think, or you think to prove that you are THERE ? This kind of question will most probably encounter bananas and French fries thrown at here in Singapore. This poor guy probably are some Nuts that fail his Final term Paper, or desperate Business-man that just folded his company. Who ask this kind of Question in this GDP STI drive Singapore. But some how someone got to pose this "critical" question since the Super Senior is no longer around. Better find some replacement , if not the STI index really slipped below 2000 point. This kind of Philosophical Though will not directly affect the Singapore GDP. But for the minimal kick start some cranking of the brain mechanism. The writer have some point right ?

Aesop and Such
This is probably the Most Philosophy Stories Teller most people are familiar which. Remember the Tortoise and the Rabbit,  the Crow and the Water Bottle. May be this is what most people here get to know. But there is more that that. In the Western Proper Foundation Thinker beside the "Practical" Economist and Scientist. There is this small group of People that Think for Living. Sound quite ridiculous. Not here to give even a topic Discourse on this matter, unlike to be some introduction. But just throw in some Big Name and Jargon , to claim some on paper Victory.

The Big Three and a Complete Persona.
Plato - sound like some name of some famous Bread Shop
Aristotle - I know I know refers to some Super Elite that makes decision for everyone.
Descartes - Sound like some smart phone programming  language   .

The answer is No - This are Some of the Big Philosopher Thinker of the West.

NB : Lu-Xun give up Medicine and becomes a writer hoping to change the Mind of the Chinese. Bill Gate give up Law to pursue his Micro-processor  and Operating System Business.  ..... ....

Descartes and Landslide Victory !

Random Tale of a Concrete Jungle

Chapter x - Remix Creativ Riter

No spelling mistake, creativ spelled without the E, and riter spelled without the w.
Will throw in some creative thinking and critical thinking may help in the new venture.
Can't think of anything "critical" , bombard with some Philosophy jargon like Kant and Decartes.
Don't really agree with this philosophical ideas, as some of them as Atheist.
As a Total Believe there is a Creator God, no doubt about this.
Never has a chance to debate on this Philosophy things, as it is not part of the society here. Singapore is Not usually in some deep thought mode. The deepest thinking is done by the machine Chip the number crunching and office work for most purpose of economy. No nobody engage in any in depth arguments.

So things like Descartes - I Think therefore I Am. Is enough to achieve any landslide Victory !

Saturday, January 23, 2016

May should write some very short novel fiction.

With the Back-drop of Shang-Hai, Singapore and New York.

Probably the Character driven by war-torn Shanghai , and move to Singapore.
Made a small fortune here and New York.
Something like that

Friday, January 22, 2016

Philosopher King, Republic and Academy

This is Not the Harry Potter Philosopher Stone.
It is the Plato idea of a IDEAL Leader Ruler  a Deep Thinker King Ruler.
He is not totally a democratic.
And since Singapore is called REPUPLIC of Singapore.
You might be interested to know that Republic is Actually a old book wriiten by PLATO Greek Philosopher.

Was going through some Intermediate Thinking Program.
Some sort of some Intro to Some Soul Searching.
Read Somewhere there is THE BIG THREE THINKER in the Ancient West.
So any information is good. Even just some Wiki Read and You Tube Crash Course.

Then there is another Gut call Pythagoras , famous in the Maths world.
Looks like some comrades.

Throw in some Intro to ACTION ! too.
Some Soft left Stuff. Will Not do any Revolution, too tedious.
May be some Double Run will do, keep things goingg at least.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Grand-son of Singapore

There is this very early literature book call Son of Singapore.
Can't really remember the content, but it is a very different early Singapore.
Very much different these day, city Landscape and People Mindscape.
Very hard to define the Singapore mindset, very diverse in one sense and vary new infant in the other sense.

May be it is good to backtrack to some early tried and Philosopher.
Like Plato , Aristotle and Descartes. At least has some placing in human history overall.
Unless you are a Philosophy Major at NUS, you will not know this names.
Cannot remember A level GP got this cover.
Should be under Adult  Interest Read.
(you like the global things and Old history stuff right, this are both Ancient and World)

For the Chinese side. Never really read those "New Literature" writer like Lu-Xun.
Always consider this as the highest of modern Literature.
Read some SG Leader actually read this stuff during their early education years.
Guess Best of New China Modern still very much applicable to Singapore.

May be some own interpretation and observation.
To complete the Quarter Singapore Chinese.
What it mean to be Singapore Chinese.
Or call it like Singapore DNA 2.0 (applied to some Chinese Singapore only)
Please get advice otherwise

NB : Mr Lu-Xun is highly regard in the New China Literature. Also admired in the Chinese revolution, but not directly involved. Read closest he get is called to some Nationalist "intelligence" assignment but did not realized.
NB2 : Writer closest to some SG National Hero act is a Booth that ask you to go Afghanistan during the Singapore Reservist Call up Exercise. The answer is Can take a Look but most probably Where got time. Fulfilled the duty but did not go the Extra Mile.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Lion City Singapore is the Over-Westernised Asian-Chinese City.
Busy all year long with F1 Race and Mid-Autumn Festival happen at the same time. Moon Cake comes in durian flavour too. And City center street was leased to some Global tourist.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Periodic Table, Hardest Metal and Golden Eagle.

Use to have a Chemistry Teacher , that used some sort of Poem teach the class to remember the elements of the Periodic table. Because some early batch of School Teacher learnt their material in Chinese. So when the Education System goes under Big Reform to English. Some Chinese  old method still around . Still quite useful in daily classroom at that time.
It goes Like This

Jia Na Cal Mei Lu
Xi Tie Xin Qin Jin
Tong Gong Ying Po Jing

Potassium Sodium Calcium Magnesium Aluminum
Tin Iron  __ __ Zinc.
Copper Mercury Silver Platinum Gold

K Na Cal Mg Al
Tn Fe Zn
     Si Pl

It really quite Rhythms in Chinese

Hardest Metal
Used to looks through those Big dictionary in the house , looking for the hardest Material and Metal.
Highest Melting Point etc.
The hardest metal is  actually Tungsten. It is now use in rocket missile as the bullet rod that punch through hard amour. Also use in those incandescent lamp , to burnt and give light. Some of these lamp guess are still around. It should also the 1001th Material Thomas Edison tested on his light bulb  invention.

Golden Eagle.
Probably not the fastest bird around

Friday, January 15, 2016

Some other electric story

Volta is from Italy, a Physic Professor that the electricity charges are name after him, obviously.
He also discovered Methane, a organic Chemistry compound CH4, found in those gas stove fuel.
He made an improvised device to generate static electricity , call "electrophorus"

Battle of Singapore - PC game version.

This may be some War Game strategy PC game apps. Simulating some Japanese attack on Singapore. The defender may be some neutral Singapore Troops, may be loosely base on the real Battle of Singapore. Say 300% literature exaggerate, like Field General Nakamitci  vs Lt General Thunder Lee.

The Sneak In
Shore Assault Landing
The First Line of Defense.
Mangrove Jungle and Fire Fight.
Urban Street Battle.
Final Battle Box

Will use the Commander and Conquer engine first.

e-book publisher

Thursday, January 14, 2016

A Science-Fi Short Story

Chapter Bonus - The Third Assault.

A Science-Fi Short Story
 Platoon 3 1st Laser Battalion is ready to launch their Third counter attack.
On a Giant Amour Vehicles of 20 Tonnes this 16 wheeled beast carry 25  1st Class Laser Trooper.
A Twin Plasma Canon mounted on Top as Main Armament with 10 Tube Milan 5 Rocket Missile. ( A mechanical device that does a good job too)

The Commander say it is a Curved Ambush. Double Straight Punch to destroy the Defiance Radar Base. No Air Support will be provided. You are own you own , he tells his Team of 25 Laser Gunner. Just some Plasma Artillery and Rocket Support Fire. The in-house Flying Drone is the only Aerial Scout Vehicle that only provide Intelligence , no fire support. So Finish all you Energy Charge and comes back on Time.

The Target is a Solar Satellite Radar that cover the Trade Federate communication system X6. Very easy task right , just scratch the Disk Surface and the whole thing will done in 1 mission session. Quite Easy Done right ?! say Commander Free-Bird. Ready set and Go.
Some Business Project Idea.

Web Design and Tech
Design and Product.
Others like Journaling and writing some book.
Other activity.

How about.

Bible Reading
Attend Service.
(quite important to some)

Other Non-relevant experience
Probably will be one of the few that add in some "Military Experience"

Not those glam glam special force or Regular Pro Soldier.
But just another Infantry Man in the Platoon. Guess the Combat nature make some sense to add in.
The  other is Logistic in the Signal Battalion. Should be of some relevant in civilian side.

Others also include like did some Half Marathon Run and Long Distance Swim.
Like some little Minor Achievement - Physical Exercise need some effort.

Others like Chess Playing and Games, ECA like Scout and Hostel meeting.

Reading and Some Studying - Not Formal Upgrade.

Soul Search and Spiritual Walk - Really don't know where to put all this.

Character and Personality - may be sweet to some but sour to others

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


.... ... ....



NB : Adding some Hammer and Axe , or those Big Curve Knife Farmer use to harvest their crops will be good. Not just another social democracy
Total Shock

This is really a Total Shock.

Regarding SG DNA.
Will be considered as a Minority Report that No People is Going to Believe.
Even the so called "Insider" . This is consider one od those Alternate Article that people will say SURE-OR-NOT.

SG indeed got some STEEL. Some Strong Steel.

Believe or Not its got some sort of Russian Steel.
Believe or not.
A Minority Report SG
(dun know what is the worth of this kind of Journal)
NB : Those that realized this will have their "SOCIAL STANCE" Totally Adjusted (Right on the Mark)
NB2 : Things should be much easier.
Simply just as told


3rd Wild Guess - Special New Hybrid System

3rd Wild Guess - Special New Hybrid System

Still may not be the right answer.
But it is one step closer.
Some Big Word comes into the Picture.

Neo Liberal . Merits. Ultra High Free Economy.
Some Left and Labour (early years).

Not just Steel but STRONG STEEL

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

a 2nd Double Straight Punch

Quite a Nice title for some Little Book Chapter.
Probably will be a second series.
May throw in some creative thinking and critical thinking = Good Logic and Sensible Argument.

Not to argue about anything, but built some good case is good enough.
Some Proper Plan and Execution, hopefully become some Standard Operation Regular that generate good revenue (with Legality).

First Not to side step anyone innocent and weak.
Not to confront with the Rich and Powerful.
The rest is some free-play writing guess is the norm writing guidelines in semi  free Singapore.

Heard there is this even better income model on subscription basis.
Like subscribe to some e-magazine on irregular basis.
Of course must be good quality content.
Under the Coconut Tree

This one really got to put under Social Issue. It is the ranking of Singapore in the Democracy Index. Usually SG don't fare quite well in this category compare to some other Economy and Efficiency Index.

Actually it is labelled under Not Full/Total Democracy. Quite a bad name called Flawed Democracy quite badly done.

Some may prefer to call it Social Democracy, a different kind of Democratic system. Western kind of Liberal Democracy may not totally suit SG, that is the normal argument. 

May be the Military Regiment element also push it down the rank.
Some may prefer freedom more, but some other thinks security and control is more important. 
Really got no answer solution for this. Way many level above the writer ability and intelligence  level

Simulation , life and such

Of course life should not base on some computer simulation game.

But if one is really lost and out of direction.
This will be a really bad example.

There is a game call Sims which simulate LIFE of some New Urban Materialistic Living.
It is all about a balancing act, managing and juggling the Cartoon Character.
You have some Mood Indicator, later realized in Life it is really quite important.
Such that the overall living may be affected, not just how you feel.

Then there is some upgrade and buying things here and there.
Of course real life is much sophisticated that a piece of software.
There is Thousand and one things beside it.

There  is this strategy  game CIV that say.
Democracy System  is 50% more Productive than Republic System.
Some may ask what is the difference.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

On Chinese Democracy.

On Chinese Democracy.

Contrary to popular opinion, surprise to many, China is the first in Asia to have some sort of Democracy. The Ism that take over the Imperial Qing China is the Three People Idealism as propose by Dr. Sun Yat Sen. Dr. Sun is inspire by Abraham Lincoln Philosophy after a private visit to America.

Indeed his Neo-Democracy is a short live one after the 1911 revolution. Very soon the Chief Warlord General Yuan took over as the Presidential with his Bei-yang Army. It is only later that a Dr  Sun Successor Military General Chiang  continue with some of his ideas. But the Short Live "Democratic Rule" of China ended when World War 2 broke off    with the Japanese Invasion in 1937. Follow by the Civil War in 1945 after Japanese Surrender, the "Democracy" did not have a chance to make a come back.

Even in Taiwan , the Democracy system did not fully realize .Only after the late 20th Century, with a long militias rule with capitalism   .      

People Warrior

Not really a new concept used by Napoleon to conquer Europe.

China already started National Service/Conscript call People Soldier way back in the Song Dynasty.
Previous is Paid Recruitment.

Household are even given Battle Horse to maintain.
In charge of local security too .

NB : Ancient book also record

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Western History and Such.

May be this history things can earn you some credit and legality. And possibly some revenue, through applied history and literature writings.

Western History is quite remote here, may be some Old Colonial People that's appreciate the British Empire. School read a  bit about the Byzantine and Holy Romans Empire, heard it is only half the size of its Original Roman Empire. There is the Rise of the Turks and some middle-east empire in the 2nd millennium. Early on also face the threats of the Attila the Hun and the   Mongolian Mighty Army.

More familiar with the Europe Scientist and Science History. With Galileo discovering some early scientific truth. Newton was also considered a early scientist mathematician which lays the foundation of Science. Then there is Pascal and Faraday. Watt took off with the Industrial Revolution with his steam engine. Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity in America. Thomas Edison is consider an later age Inventor that achieve commercial Success too. Some Big company Today like GM and GE can trace back to Edison and his friends.

Henry Ford invented the T-model making car available to the public.
Einstein is lays the foundation of modern Physics. Relativity Theory and the Atomic Theory.

with this endless permutation of Life.

Life like that Singapore - With This Endless Permutation

May be it is like a cross breed between London and Shang-hai.

Something from the Future- Solar System, and something from the Past - the Feudal System.
Some say Singapore is better to do without the Liberal Democracy.
But other seems fight to death for freedom.

Guess its a city that is inherently creative - mix of West British and South Chinese.
Even if you are a Hip Hop from Shanghai or a Punk from London Street will be surprise of the Cross-Mix.

The Minister used to speak English with British sense. Even these days, you find some Chinese Uncle with some Strange British accent. Turning on to the Chinese Channel 8, sometime you will find some European speaking good mandarin. And some International school has branded SG with  some Mandarin Environment. See the Two Big Chinese Channel and 800 episode of Taiwan Soap Drama.

Sometime should takes a snap shot of the NO DURIAN on Bus and Train. Should be quite a hilarious things for Foreigner . Guess with this mix and everyday random event , you never get bored with this endless permutation of Life.

From Random Memories 2

From Random Memories 2

Western History should be the last things on people mind for people of this region.
Cut short just limited to America and British also not much people will know.
So there should be quite a draw for some people.

Early British heard about some Tudor Dynasty. The same name as the Luxury watch of Rolex.
Early British seems not so strong. Still under Romans and with Viking Invasion.
There is a William the Conqueror, Richard the Lion-heart.

For the Rest of the World, there are some "new" thing.

Have you heard of Mesotoponia  - sound like some break-way Russian State.
May be Babylonian will be a more familiar name

From Random Memories

From Random Memories. 1

Of course the proper way of doing is to do some research before writing.
At least do some read-up on the topic first.

But just from some rough random memories, still can comes up with fair amount of post in quite a short time. And for the stats seems "got some points". As writing is usually one of the more dreaded subject in subject, but some how got into this.

Don't worry Bill Gates suppose to finish his Law Degree and got into Computing Programming.
And many accomplish seems don't get it with their "Major"
Guess the market force also plays a part. Twist and Turn, Chance and Time also affect.

12 Million may be too much to ask for Singapore. But for some Chinese mindset, just a quarter of a weak South Song will be about 1-2 hundred of Million. Say a small one 10x will be about 10-20 million. Guess will growing urban technology, people should be living comfortably in a Big City of this Size. Provided Well-Plan and Good Location.

Friday, January 8, 2016

The Mercy and Medicine House

The Mercy and Medicine House

Kind of Mis-suggestion .

But it is really originated from the South Song China dynasty.
Many criticize it as weak in Military and Corrupted in Rule.
But is Art Economy and even Science see the Best Progress. Even exceeded the Tang in some Area, although not as military might.

The emperor and official has many gold-ware in their house.
But according to proper record, there is still some good points.

Mercy House - to keep Young Children.
Medicine House - Guess it offer Medical Service.

The most famous of all is General Yue Fei, Defeat a 100,000 enemy with 500 Men.
Kind of the Highest Honor of All Chinese General .
Despite the Political Issues, still consider one of the Great Heros.

NB : sorry only got two point.
What is Magna Carter ?
Sound like some New Ice-cream Brand

Not interested in the Welfare vs Meritocracy Debate.

Actually it is much lower to the extend of kind of Joker.

What can you expect from


Praying Mantis Style suit Singapore

Advance Creative Writing

Of course before you are a Star Buck Writer, meaning $5.90 cost of one writing session.
You got to be some "free writer" in the local library, you need some raw material too.
Unless you can flow like the river water.

Some expert say some form of highest thinking is APPLIED THINKING.
Made up of Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking.
On the basis of Logic Think, Verbal and Visual Thinking and Number Thinking.

Of course De Bono has a Full Workshop on Effective Thinking (Paid one)

The Story

The History becomes Legend and the Legend becomes Myths.

Better to establish things based on Real History.
At least the things you base on is Real Event.
Literature and Story is good, but you may get it mix up.
Flying around and hit someone in a distance is common is some kung-fu literature.
But in real life , even a simple set of Boxing or Karate is difficult to master

For a start lets get the quantity enough first.
Enough spending, exercise, length of work, length of rest and water. enough recreation and entertainment is important too.

Surprise to some that Bible got some feasting too. Even to extent of little drinking (Ecc)

The History
Basically , Southern Song may be a good model for Singapore. The weakest of all proper dynasty. May be like if SG Max out to 12 million, may be can becomes a  Little Song Castle of the modern World.

The Kungfu.
May be the Praying Mantis Style suit Singapore.
Yes it is not just in the movie, really this is this Tang-lang Quan
(It sound like some kind of joke, but it is real)



"Applied History Little"

There is NO such topic I made it up myself.
Apply at your own risk tool.
Basically it is get some History Essence and try to applied in today modern day life.\

For Singapore Guess it will be 40% British-America History (sorry lump it together) and 40% China History (special focus on South Song, and the rest may be some other World History like Babylonian and such.)

-The Star Buck Writer

Rereading China History - Applied History Little.

Rereading China History.

Venture of Columbus initially is to discover China as written by Traveler Marco Polo.

Most people thought Marco was boasting what he has seen in Yuan China.

And at the Same time there is even a Traveler from - guess where Africa ?!

Applied History Little.
The Practice of the Kings in your Corporate Life.
(a left handed curved ball that nobody can catch, Not Even the Pros)

NB : this will be part of a series under Rebuilding Singapore Foundation.

From first principle

From First Principle Series :

Mindware (quick read)
Effective Thinking Workshop ( Essential)
Office Tool 456

Human Dynamics 101
(Chinese Human Resource - Reread Chinese History

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Steel and Will

From some Random local Source, this is another two key to success.

Some Iron and Will.

And some IRON WILL.

For a start may be it is good to pump some Iron.
Iron Man race is Far out for most people- refer to the Run Bike Swim Iron Man Race.
Iron Man Robot - Is a Movie Creation. The Real Life Robot just learn to Walk, Only the Top End Model can Climb Staircase. The Cyborg Version is out as the Prototype during some exhibition. US Army consider it as a Heavy Load Carrier.

Good at language is also an advantage.

The Mongolian and Qin.

Last Chapter of Chinese History that may not be totally relevant.

But still there is one or two things to learnt.
Mongolian forge the Biggest Empire on Earth, across the Asia-Europe continent.
And the Chin Shi Emperor United the Ancient China of Seven Country. Set the Model of Chinese Imperial Dynastic Rule for Thousand of Years.

The Composite Bow.
Most Chinese will thing the Mongolian as Barbarian that reject the Mandarin system.
But warfare is about Intelligent Organisation and Weaponry Tech tools too.
The Secret Weapon of the Mongolian is the Composite Bow that can shoot on the Horse Back.
This invention is actually more advance than the English Longbow of that Time.
Somehow the curve bow mange to squeeze into the tight space of the Calvary Archer to squeeze the shot on the ride.

Secondly the Northern Grassland provided the Vast Number of Battle Horse. Record show that 3 Horse is given to One Soldier . With One specially reserved for the Assault Charge on the Battle Field.

The Complete Mongolian Strategy is also complex involving Intelligence Gathering Scouting, Defence and Offense. Surprise and Ambush and Hundred of other things

Qin Shi Emperor - General Win.
The Real Name of the Emperor is Ying Zeng - Namely Win Rule.
and there is a famous Slogan say the Great Land is under my feet ( from Chinese Drama)

Napoleon and Lee

The Secret Key to Success, The Lee Way

Probably the most sensitive Topic ever take on.
Not because  of the  way method, but the people.

The First Lee Family of Singapore is much simpler.
A typical over-sea Chinese way of success, through Hard Work, Honesty and Intelligence.
The Banker Lee Family of Singapore leave Singapore one of the most enduring financial institution - The OCBC.  One of the more prominent building along the Singapore River. A Real Skycraper at the time of early Singapore. The Lee  KC Family is also active in Charity and Building Schools for Singapore.

Of course Banking is a specialise Business Skill and Knowledge of Business Commerce. Small business need funding to start , and Big Business need Bank support for expansion. Now a days, people need even to pay fees for putting money into banks, there are days where saving banks account still earn interest.

The Second Lee is much more Sensitive.

But Basically one of the Feature or "Touch stone"
Is Confidence .
May be a good one will be some Nationalistic Song people Sing during NDP.
Just Belelive.

This may be Specific to Singapore Chinese Case, may call it like The Special Theory of Success.

Than there is Two Napoleon Too.
The Military Success of France Napoleon.
Another is the Pop Success Writer Napoleon Hill.
Since the market is flooded with success formula.
Won't mind throw in another Two Chapter.
May be it will grow to two Low Selling Books

Monday, January 4, 2016

The Mongolian and First Qin Dynasty.

This will be unique among all the long series of Chinese Dynasty.
It is different as Chinese NEVER consider the mongol as thier own.
Thie always belong to the Babaric Tribal Council no matter how big thier empire and sharp thier arrow.
The mongul did not adopt the Mandarin System during the Yuan Dynasty.
So it is a short live one  and ended in one hundred years.
Perhaps the only good thing is the visit of Marco Polo from the other end of the M empire. Bringing along some Culture exchange and early global trade. ( but Ancient Chinese Emperor alway s feels the Middle Kingdom ahs everything, so Trade is Not the Top agenda)

The First Qin Dynasty is also unque .
As it is over Centralised and over Militarise even to Chinese Standard.
The Chinese Norm is Benevolent Rule ( Ren Zheng) as administer as the Prime Minister ( Zhai Xiang).
There is still many debate about the "Rightness" of the Qin Shi Emperor. Although Unity and system of Chinese Rule are establish by Him.
Most Chinese afiliated them as the HAN People of the 2nd dynasty.

Free . Justice . Solidarity

Social Democracy made up of Three Big Word.
Free . Justice . Solidarity

This will be the Pillars for a Social Democracy Model.

this is not meant for a complete writing of Sociology model.
Does not mean for Bread and Butter Issue. It is the Job of those Real Political People.

Its only meant for some Introduction and Theory Workshop General Little.
It may be some technical Ingredient for those interested in some Small Political Office.