Sunday, January 24, 2016

Chapter X - What Do You Think and Aesop

Singapore Deepest Philosophical Question so far
What do you think is the "Deepest Philosophical Question " in Recent Singapore during a Minister-Student session. Most people may have forgotten this incident, what is the topic of that session. But this catch-phrase becomes the more permanent output contribution of the Session. It really coincide to a Real Philosopher Phrase some people might came across - I Think therefor I Am. It seems like probing some of the Chicken and Egg Question sometime I guess the Old Academy engage in. Do you exist because you think, or you think to prove that you are THERE ? This kind of question will most probably encounter bananas and French fries thrown at here in Singapore. This poor guy probably are some Nuts that fail his Final term Paper, or desperate Business-man that just folded his company. Who ask this kind of Question in this GDP STI drive Singapore. But some how someone got to pose this "critical" question since the Super Senior is no longer around. Better find some replacement , if not the STI index really slipped below 2000 point. This kind of Philosophical Though will not directly affect the Singapore GDP. But for the minimal kick start some cranking of the brain mechanism. The writer have some point right ?

Aesop and Such
This is probably the Most Philosophy Stories Teller most people are familiar which. Remember the Tortoise and the Rabbit,  the Crow and the Water Bottle. May be this is what most people here get to know. But there is more that that. In the Western Proper Foundation Thinker beside the "Practical" Economist and Scientist. There is this small group of People that Think for Living. Sound quite ridiculous. Not here to give even a topic Discourse on this matter, unlike to be some introduction. But just throw in some Big Name and Jargon , to claim some on paper Victory.

The Big Three and a Complete Persona.
Plato - sound like some name of some famous Bread Shop
Aristotle - I know I know refers to some Super Elite that makes decision for everyone.
Descartes - Sound like some smart phone programming  language   .

The answer is No - This are Some of the Big Philosopher Thinker of the West.

NB : Lu-Xun give up Medicine and becomes a writer hoping to change the Mind of the Chinese. Bill Gate give up Law to pursue his Micro-processor  and Operating System Business.  ..... ....

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