Friday, January 8, 2016

Praying Mantis Style suit Singapore

Advance Creative Writing

Of course before you are a Star Buck Writer, meaning $5.90 cost of one writing session.
You got to be some "free writer" in the local library, you need some raw material too.
Unless you can flow like the river water.

Some expert say some form of highest thinking is APPLIED THINKING.
Made up of Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking.
On the basis of Logic Think, Verbal and Visual Thinking and Number Thinking.

Of course De Bono has a Full Workshop on Effective Thinking (Paid one)

The Story

The History becomes Legend and the Legend becomes Myths.

Better to establish things based on Real History.
At least the things you base on is Real Event.
Literature and Story is good, but you may get it mix up.
Flying around and hit someone in a distance is common is some kung-fu literature.
But in real life , even a simple set of Boxing or Karate is difficult to master

For a start lets get the quantity enough first.
Enough spending, exercise, length of work, length of rest and water. enough recreation and entertainment is important too.

Surprise to some that Bible got some feasting too. Even to extent of little drinking (Ecc)

The History
Basically , Southern Song may be a good model for Singapore. The weakest of all proper dynasty. May be like if SG Max out to 12 million, may be can becomes a  Little Song Castle of the modern World.

The Kungfu.
May be the Praying Mantis Style suit Singapore.
Yes it is not just in the movie, really this is this Tang-lang Quan
(It sound like some kind of joke, but it is real)

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