Friday, January 22, 2016

Philosopher King, Republic and Academy

This is Not the Harry Potter Philosopher Stone.
It is the Plato idea of a IDEAL Leader Ruler  a Deep Thinker King Ruler.
He is not totally a democratic.
And since Singapore is called REPUPLIC of Singapore.
You might be interested to know that Republic is Actually a old book wriiten by PLATO Greek Philosopher.

Was going through some Intermediate Thinking Program.
Some sort of some Intro to Some Soul Searching.
Read Somewhere there is THE BIG THREE THINKER in the Ancient West.
So any information is good. Even just some Wiki Read and You Tube Crash Course.

Then there is another Gut call Pythagoras , famous in the Maths world.
Looks like some comrades.

Throw in some Intro to ACTION ! too.
Some Soft left Stuff. Will Not do any Revolution, too tedious.
May be some Double Run will do, keep things goingg at least.

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