Friday, January 15, 2016

Some other electric story

Volta is from Italy, a Physic Professor that the electricity charges are name after him, obviously.
He also discovered Methane, a organic Chemistry compound CH4, found in those gas stove fuel.
He made an improvised device to generate static electricity , call "electrophorus"

Battle of Singapore - PC game version.

This may be some War Game strategy PC game apps. Simulating some Japanese attack on Singapore. The defender may be some neutral Singapore Troops, may be loosely base on the real Battle of Singapore. Say 300% literature exaggerate, like Field General Nakamitci  vs Lt General Thunder Lee.

The Sneak In
Shore Assault Landing
The First Line of Defense.
Mangrove Jungle and Fire Fight.
Urban Street Battle.
Final Battle Box

Will use the Commander and Conquer engine first.

e-book publisher

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