Saturday, January 9, 2016

with this endless permutation of Life.

Life like that Singapore - With This Endless Permutation

May be it is like a cross breed between London and Shang-hai.

Something from the Future- Solar System, and something from the Past - the Feudal System.
Some say Singapore is better to do without the Liberal Democracy.
But other seems fight to death for freedom.

Guess its a city that is inherently creative - mix of West British and South Chinese.
Even if you are a Hip Hop from Shanghai or a Punk from London Street will be surprise of the Cross-Mix.

The Minister used to speak English with British sense. Even these days, you find some Chinese Uncle with some Strange British accent. Turning on to the Chinese Channel 8, sometime you will find some European speaking good mandarin. And some International school has branded SG with  some Mandarin Environment. See the Two Big Chinese Channel and 800 episode of Taiwan Soap Drama.

Sometime should takes a snap shot of the NO DURIAN on Bus and Train. Should be quite a hilarious things for Foreigner . Guess with this mix and everyday random event , you never get bored with this endless permutation of Life.

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