Thursday, January 7, 2016

Napoleon and Lee

The Secret Key to Success, The Lee Way

Probably the most sensitive Topic ever take on.
Not because  of the  way method, but the people.

The First Lee Family of Singapore is much simpler.
A typical over-sea Chinese way of success, through Hard Work, Honesty and Intelligence.
The Banker Lee Family of Singapore leave Singapore one of the most enduring financial institution - The OCBC.  One of the more prominent building along the Singapore River. A Real Skycraper at the time of early Singapore. The Lee  KC Family is also active in Charity and Building Schools for Singapore.

Of course Banking is a specialise Business Skill and Knowledge of Business Commerce. Small business need funding to start , and Big Business need Bank support for expansion. Now a days, people need even to pay fees for putting money into banks, there are days where saving banks account still earn interest.

The Second Lee is much more Sensitive.

But Basically one of the Feature or "Touch stone"
Is Confidence .
May be a good one will be some Nationalistic Song people Sing during NDP.
Just Belelive.

This may be Specific to Singapore Chinese Case, may call it like The Special Theory of Success.

Than there is Two Napoleon Too.
The Military Success of France Napoleon.
Another is the Pop Success Writer Napoleon Hill.
Since the market is flooded with success formula.
Won't mind throw in another Two Chapter.
May be it will grow to two Low Selling Books

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