Sunday, August 30, 2015

Strength of V Force VS Power of S Federation

Heading the force is the T-90 Type 2, a revised version of the Russian Tank.
A total of 90 of them, mostly are inexperience newbie.
Follow by 9 full division of Infantry Division.
Quite a larger force even of international, standard.

S Federation consist of much smaller, but highly train Tech Unit.
A fully integrated Army Corp, with Armour Tanks, Mechanize Infantry and 155 self propelled Howitzer . But the main POWER PUNCH is the People Force, made of unknow number of personnel. Rumoured able to form up to a unit call, ARMY FORMATION. These type of unit is only heard of in Big Nations during Great Wars, or ancient days like Mongolian that everyone is the
Warrior. The main strength is a Big Contingent of Light Artillery, the 105mm cannon mounted on mobile trucks. Sound not to big in term of calibre, but imagine ONE HUNDRED of them operating in coordinated manners.

This is part of a
Fiction Novel.

an interesting weapon Vietnam war cannon. guess its a anti Air Artillery, but seems can used for ground attack for modern times.

Tiger Force - gym and health

Tiger Force Gym
Gym Workout and Health System

Bronze mine little

May be...

May be not  ....

Saturday, August 29, 2015

New Socio and 1911 movie

Another season for some major social change.
The temperature is up everywhere and seems everyone is now watching TV news and reading news paper.

Some may want to know something about some sociology.
It's not the that political, it's the other more academic study of the society and people.
Guess you know what I mean.

There are some sociology crash course on you tube.
And some world history crash course may help too.

Or some movie of century major event that may be too heavy.
But interesting too, by Jackie Chan .. How serious it can be.
It's a movie call
Xin Hai Revolution of Dr Sun. sound Super Heavy right.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Anyhow Random Progress

Random  Progress
Will not be anything radical, or even moderate change.
This is some cold steel neutral adjustment, mix position.
Neutral Adjustment.
May be too tame and conservative for most people.
But its still under the umbrella of soft transformation.
May be quarter of that of natural change .And may sometime put something old and just turn anew. Still got to make some change here and there, under the name of REMAKE.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Breaching some Gap

Not just for the East, but also the west.

The east got some tech gap to catch up.
Seems like most of the time.

The west also need to know some of the east, since there so much people.
So Singapore will always has in place , may be for quite some time.

At least hot to know some modern history of China.
Cannot leave it as a total blank.
Whether its for economic soft power, or some hard influence.
Whether its for the hand phone that made in CN ( just got a 3G 4G phone)
Or some indirect and direct relationship.

Since you cannot run away.
Got to know a bit, whether u are interested or not.

Probable the neutral introduction point will be AD 1911 . Between the fall of old Imperial Qing dynasty, and form of the New Repulic Rule.

And luckily there is a movie by Jackie Chan 1911.
The west has full open resource even for the Far East Event.
Yes there is Sinologist in Harvard.

NB : study of Chinese as a academic subject.

West East point of View

Finally some Top Senior Acknowledge in word on SG DNA.

So I am the the first that say so.
Play safe.

Play double safe, will find some more source that support it.
Cannot change some past.
Even the future got not too much choice of good.

Now you may know ...

This is not some gossip blog.

Not even lifestyle blog, where is the best fried carrot cake.
Or even the best hand phone of the season.

Should be some where like soft knowledge.
Or pop current affair and history.
Even some bit sensitive issue like modern history of China, Bristish and Singapore.

Throw in even some blood shed like the conflict battles.
Just some personnel inclination.
Nothing personnel I should say.
But it's still considered open material even for conservative Eastern.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Buz n tech wise

Not the most enterprise either.
Certainly not best in Science.

Throwing the brick

The purpose is to get the jade, the more precious one.

Personally, not the typical kind essential of  Singapore.
Kind of 5 degree of to the left, and 25 degree to the right.

Bit kind of hamburger too, remember got once during childhood days.
The burger king craze, where you get cheap burger  buying Vitagen drinks.
Whole team almost got hamburger every week straight for three months.

The major also seems quite weird. When some say something about its not rocket science.
Really do study Thermo Dynamic at Degree level.
It's the flow of liquid of some aero plane.
Really got a short stint at one of those factory that makes Boeing 747 Engine.
Yes  it's the Engine kind of Engineering.

(just hope that someone more typical rep will speak out)
Guess its some way out of SG society main stream.
Worst still now got involved in some Project Creative.

May eat into some personnel time too.
But it's ok.
It kind of literature hobby too.
Instead of reading famous block buster novel.
Why not write something for recreation.
May be can publish too, instead of journalling .
Who know,  be some copyright fees. Hee Hee .

Sociology 101 the basic

This may becomes one series if things goes well.
And some print revenue if  well received.

At last there is a a Book of Sociology, those colorfully introduction to big topic  that comes with graphic and picture. May be a good read a few times will spurn a short book on .Sociology Singapore. Instead of some third party view from some journalist that can never get things right about Singapore. Say asking a Ang Mo to describe to you the taste of katong laksa dish. They never got it right, if they know where to get the best laksa in the first place.

Plus some up to date sentimental of people.
Some reportage skill.
A decent work can be done.
Page by page , a newspaper magazine style. Gather enough ideas and may made it into a small book.

Will not do much , but at least will set something straight.
Some stuff did not got there that easy.
It's easier to maintain that send for repair and replace.

Quite ambiguous, hope that not all will understand.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Estimate 25 % not satisefactory

At least need some action.

What on the street SG, prepare for

Some local cultural shock.

You will find that most people on the street of town center dun even speak mandarin well.
The lingual standard is still hokkien, may be  now with a channel 8 mandarin mix.
Many auntie are are still pure dialect speakers.
Some from mainland speak thier dialect that you never heard of, or wield mandarin tongues.

Not all appreciate the authorithy.
Prepare for some even outright sneer or even insults.
It's not that thier are not democratic or vocal. It's the ....

The better way is work from , ground and underground.
Than grassroots, People Association and NTUC.
Move up step by step natural.
Other than that, it's really too steep.

Will grant u automous too

Guess its good for us to.

Less worry,  and much too much mind resource too.
Mainly is the main different acknowledge.
Really dun know.

Guess will be much better too.

From not totally capitalist.
Say 80%.
Or can say its the right left centre.

Just hope things

Will not escalate into physical level.
Then you will be in total disadvantage.
Just keep the force for the real enemy, and not to be use other wise.

May be some boxing match or karate show down will do.

But the best still keep to fair and square business competition.
And tech and science advance. Or some peacock glam glam show.
No body wish to sweat in out in the office.

For some the " training" is more than enough.
Keep it to gym friendly ump it up.
Paper chase and account bottom line is much more civilized.

Please dun step beyond boundary.
For those "risk taker" .
Sorry, the HE Mister will take the action, much harsher than you can imagine.
Pleases dun dun try it.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Some Defence DIY

Seem like ...

Seems like more than extreme idealistic unrealistic.
More of Childish fantansy.

May be you should watch some documentary, like Korean war and Vietnam war.
It's exactly the same people , and ....

Regarding some issue.
Even the normal general sphere got some many compete and struggle.
Guess middle will be more.
And Top may be, it's harmful in someway ....

Should make it a fable , less obvious.
Not to make you understand, but more difficult to understand.

Even the more optimistic estimation.
If u include them.
They will end up chasing you out.
Dun say I dun give u some warning.

And ownself feel need to built some defence more.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Not just Pearl Harbour

Pearl Harbour and Normandy D Days may be the most. Remembered battle event of the World War two.

World Apart, the Europe theatre is still well know as its also a computer games favourite.
But for the
Pacific, it's not just and Pearl Harbour.

There is still the Battle of Midway.
The turning point of the Pacific Theatre against the fleet of Japanese Navy.
The imperial Japs,sea force is no weakling. Imagine it's has two Super,Battle Ship, the biggest Battleship,ever built. Over 70 thousand tonnes, with 18 inch cannon artillery.

There is also the Battle of Saipan and landing of Okinawa .
Sound too unfamiliar.
Remember aircraft Carrier ENTERPRISE ?.
He is the main star of the event.
( not the movie star trek Enterprise, but the real Historical Enterprise)

City Singapore through the lens

This should be a collection of photography series in print.
Hopefully berate some commercial revenue.

Say 100 copy as a individual DIY publishing.
Limited editorial version.

City Singapore Through the Lens

City skyline fantasy , vision little at random

There are still some space at the city center.
Some space between the finance center new and marina bay sands.

The floating platform side seems like got some space too.
Filling the gap may made a complete circle of city skyline.
Of course such a super ultra scale stuff are beyonds means of even normal business group.

Still need the authorithy.
And how about some mega business personality like.
The Trump Group.
Sound far fetch fantasy.
Who know, already have F1 night race running for years.

Ummpp ... Mr Trump ... Sound bit hilarious ....
But may be ... Just may be ... Haha..

Some thought from a Chair

Just a ordinary chair.
Those chair you can find anywhere , from the community center to McDonald.
Some ideas that can be applied to any town, Big or small, urban modern, or rural .

Just a slow walk will do the job.
The keener one can hit the gym.
The active one can go for a cardio jog.

Not even social stuff.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

making use of your Resource


THIS is one of them

Diploma in Business Management Entrepreneurship

Diploma in Business Management Entrepreneurship

General Impression

A general impression of the World War Two Pacific Theatre, is that american has an easy fight and easy win, after the pearl Harbour attack , and ends with a new generation weapon of atomic bomb.

Not so easy.
The USA can be consider lucky that the aircraft carrier escape the bombing at the pearl Harbour.
The documentary battle 360 enterprise says its initial air strike cannot even come close to Japanese navy.

Aircraft carrier went for several major repair, after being hit many times. Enterprise is the only
US carrier left in pacific against the whole Japanese navy.
Against the mighty advance American ? Japs Zero figther is someway superior that American figthers.
Japanese launch a navy attack to push out American with 13000 land troops.

Far from the TV series PACIFIC impression, half of the TV series is romantism with some Australian Ladies. The real documentary is far more bloody, and hope of victory does not seems that good even half way after Midway Island.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Downgrade Little

Not asking you to go down to the Farm to do some mud Job.
There is not much farmland in SG even in the early days.
Even CN dun practice that anymore.

But interpret as some street Job "Street Strategy"
Asking for a Lower Pay, or somewhat lower position than you capability.

example a Degree Holder getting a diploma Job for $2400 for 10 months.
He gets 24k per year.

Than a Degree Holder waiting half a year to get a $3000 Job.
He Gets 15k per year.

This is a simplified short term case, only consider the first year.

Chicken Box

Just a Chicken Rice Recipe

At at last , battle of Singapore , history channel

A new documentary , guess by history channel was done on world war two, battle of Singapore.
A new episode , modern shot.

Rather than the old story.
A more detailed accurate account from military strategy perspective.
The old story line sound like this.

The British  General was weak and loss the battle even with superior number, and some big Cannon.

But the fact is that Japanesemsend thier very best Shock Troops, season commando.
Combine with tanks and air support.
A well plan attack plan, with crazy desire to,acquire some important resource and strategic point.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Not total Zero natural resource

Totally no naturally resource, usually refer to Singapore Situation.
Not exactly totally zero in absolute sense.
There is at least two old Tin mine in Singapore.

One near built timah, now a rock climber destination.
Another at Ubin, which is now a small lake.
At least there is some tin mine.

A Super Imagine Fantasy-like dream blue print abstract ideas. Regional.
Since the Last Tine mine.
Technology has improve much right.
May be there is some professor in some remote university did a research paper on say.
Modern Time Mine Discovery Methology.

May be just may be .
Say there is still some Tin mine left untouch somewhere underground in the region.
And places has been so commercialized now.
And something like ..... The search for the new tin mine in 21 century.
And that will last Singapore for 100 years.

And a Fast Food Chain of Chicken Rice.
Sound like a cheap low business ideas.
But the Chain is a Business concept that make the whole difference in the world.

Forced Unity and Well Water

This is quite conceptual and abstract.
Rather sensitive too.

Sometime forceful unity makes the matter worse.
Finally take a glance at Korean War documentary.
Seems like some forceful unity that cause the trouble.
And a general that even though of using nuclear weapon.
Luckily was relief from duty for further worsen the Hot matters.

There is a condense saying the the Well Water don't mix with River water.
Instead of all feeling uncomfortable.
A Co-Ops style may makes everyone happy.

Move 101 (simple basic)


Simple and random
Town Idea Little

Grey Lion Little

Still need to put on and beef up the local security a little, in times to comes.
Since its call lion city city.
Maybe some unorthodox, color force. Like light grey.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Remake little, physical and move

Remake little, physical and move

Fortunism , middle line and 4th sphere

4th dimension sound too spooky these days.
Sound like some old day tv show twighligt zone.

Middle point may not be enough.
Best is some middle line or neutral zone.
Sitting on the fence may not  sound courageous for those brave young ones.
As digging in more into some major 20 th century battles documentary.
Some conflict has no definite victory.
Diplomatic solution may be the real solution.

Capitalism actually quite chim.
Nobody can finish while book of wealth of nation these days.
Fortunism sound simpler, a least some time the Fortune Magazine still top the book shelf chart.
Altough most people dun really read these content anymore.

And ...

Some resistance will be enough, part time effort.

Assign Grey Light

Grey Light Little

Happy Birthday Singapore, SG 50

Quite a significant season for SG as celebrating 50 National Days.
Aside those political issue, people are still very willing to enjoy this special occasion.

aside from some holiday goers that make full use of the super long weekend.
Some are still willing to hang around for the occasion.

Town Ideas and Such - Left right Centre

Just for info only.

Guess people today are not so informed about what is some social stance.
May be even those A level GP guys has drop some social issue and topics.

At least in the olden days, there is still some information on Social Issues.
As the Cold War is not just a history lesson but Current Affairs.
And A level GP student are encourage to subscribes to Time Magazine or Newsweek.

do your own read up. whateveter. Wiki leak or no leak


Monday, August 3, 2015

Getting Unstuck 101

Life is sometime up and sometimes up.
Sometime you feel like a breeze, sometime you wake up like someone punch you right on you face.
On the valley and down time, what to do.

You can wine and complaint and get nothing done.
Or some more positive people will revise and reflect and see what can be done.
Of course it's easy to say than do.
Sometime you are just stuck in the rut and going nowhere round and round.

Basically some pro motivator will suggest some physical exercise.
As energy seems to one of thier top key these.
Just goes for a walk in the park.
Or hit the Gym, just one two set of dumb bell may kick start something.

On a broader and deeper level.
This could be just some TOWN IDEA

Just Move It

General talk

Was watch some series on world war 2 pacific.

Mainly two theatre.
The American Soilder fought from the pacific island to Philipines to Okinawa.
Too bloody the battles with thousands loosing life.
Estimated will loose one million Soilder of launch an attack on mainland.
So the Atomic Bomb Mahattan project was used.

The China fought the Japs long before the pearl Harbour in 1937.
A total of long eight years of resistance, much longer that the Japs claim of three much.
With much people power and landmass, and some guerillas tactic.
China won in Victory finally and Bitterly.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Some history - east Asia CN

Local SG people usually dun know much about Chinese history. And modern China History is even a total blank. Due to rise of modern China, ( some say great some say , potential semi super) seems need to know a bit. And influence sphere seems quite strong to regional, east Asia.

A Rough idea is the old imperial Qing Dynasty dissolve in the Great Revolution of 1911. Follow by some Warlord Chaos and Interim North Sea (beiyang) Government, and a more central People Guoming rule. Then follow by World War Two and a Civil War. There is also some big event like Jia Wu Battle and May Fourth movement which is significant.

Just some rough points.
May be a very Big Country takes much longer time to disintegrate Chaos and reorganize. As the land and people is simply too big.

For the west and world history. Some direct channel you tube like crash course world history is good.

New Story (fiction) - 5th Defence Force

May be will start some military fiction,  a military Brigade.
Nit too big and not too small.
 Seems like real war is fought with Division , Army Corps , and Army Group.
So Brigade should be the smaller unit for fiction and story.

Not too futuristic but more modern next generation.
Like not like infantry in mechanical robot, too difficult technically.
But may be like one man in a armoured vehicle, wheel or tank tiles.
Or some unmanned fighting vehicle.
Should be quite interesting.

May be vs a navy marine land troops to shore.
And some urban street campaign.

Battle and NDP

Battle stuff seems to be more serious than you thing.
More brutal too.
Was watch some you tube documentary on world war two.
Qute modern century not to very long ago. Not the ANCIENT blood thirsty Mongolian. But some near history stuff, some are debating. New material are released , as some are classified material.

Of the the NDP main show is the parade and celebration.
But there is a MUCH bigger Picture and longer story behind.
Even the much bigger South Pacific Campaign is part of the MUCH Bigger world conflict.
Probable the whole thing may take longer and deeper than thought.

New Food Court, Pasir Ris

Actually it is a open food center.
Not too big, guess its one of those NTUC branch.
The food quite affordable,  toast coffee and egg at only $ 1:40, those with card can even get more discount.
Should have some good food too.

Location at the other side of Pasir Ris, Costa side.
May be this under Food Attack too, "usable stuff"

Jogging Club

Jogging Club 500
North east

Siren and t shirt

Should have  at least some patrol , at least on the Car.

The reservist guy should sometime wear the unit t shirt and hang around the gym, or go for a casual evening week end jog.

Might be some insignificant stuff.
But helps a lot in local security.
At least the town people will feel safer will fewer bastard (HUAI REN) around.
Deterence passive town local little.