Monday, August 24, 2015

Breaching some Gap

Not just for the East, but also the west.

The east got some tech gap to catch up.
Seems like most of the time.

The west also need to know some of the east, since there so much people.
So Singapore will always has in place , may be for quite some time.

At least hot to know some modern history of China.
Cannot leave it as a total blank.
Whether its for economic soft power, or some hard influence.
Whether its for the hand phone that made in CN ( just got a 3G 4G phone)
Or some indirect and direct relationship.

Since you cannot run away.
Got to know a bit, whether u are interested or not.

Probable the neutral introduction point will be AD 1911 . Between the fall of old Imperial Qing dynasty, and form of the New Repulic Rule.

And luckily there is a movie by Jackie Chan 1911.
The west has full open resource even for the Far East Event.
Yes there is Sinologist in Harvard.

NB : study of Chinese as a academic subject.

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