Saturday, August 22, 2015

Throwing the brick

The purpose is to get the jade, the more precious one.

Personally, not the typical kind essential of  Singapore.
Kind of 5 degree of to the left, and 25 degree to the right.

Bit kind of hamburger too, remember got once during childhood days.
The burger king craze, where you get cheap burger  buying Vitagen drinks.
Whole team almost got hamburger every week straight for three months.

The major also seems quite weird. When some say something about its not rocket science.
Really do study Thermo Dynamic at Degree level.
It's the flow of liquid of some aero plane.
Really got a short stint at one of those factory that makes Boeing 747 Engine.
Yes  it's the Engine kind of Engineering.

(just hope that someone more typical rep will speak out)
Guess its some way out of SG society main stream.
Worst still now got involved in some Project Creative.

May eat into some personnel time too.
But it's ok.
It kind of literature hobby too.
Instead of reading famous block buster novel.
Why not write something for recreation.
May be can publish too, instead of journalling .
Who know,  be some copyright fees. Hee Hee .

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