Saturday, August 22, 2015

Sociology 101 the basic

This may becomes one series if things goes well.
And some print revenue if  well received.

At last there is a a Book of Sociology, those colorfully introduction to big topic  that comes with graphic and picture. May be a good read a few times will spurn a short book on .Sociology Singapore. Instead of some third party view from some journalist that can never get things right about Singapore. Say asking a Ang Mo to describe to you the taste of katong laksa dish. They never got it right, if they know where to get the best laksa in the first place.

Plus some up to date sentimental of people.
Some reportage skill.
A decent work can be done.
Page by page , a newspaper magazine style. Gather enough ideas and may made it into a small book.

Will not do much , but at least will set something straight.
Some stuff did not got there that easy.
It's easier to maintain that send for repair and replace.

Quite ambiguous, hope that not all will understand.

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