Saturday, August 1, 2015

Some history - east Asia CN

Local SG people usually dun know much about Chinese history. And modern China History is even a total blank. Due to rise of modern China, ( some say great some say , potential semi super) seems need to know a bit. And influence sphere seems quite strong to regional, east Asia.

A Rough idea is the old imperial Qing Dynasty dissolve in the Great Revolution of 1911. Follow by some Warlord Chaos and Interim North Sea (beiyang) Government, and a more central People Guoming rule. Then follow by World War Two and a Civil War. There is also some big event like Jia Wu Battle and May Fourth movement which is significant.

Just some rough points.
May be a very Big Country takes much longer time to disintegrate Chaos and reorganize. As the land and people is simply too big.

For the west and world history. Some direct channel you tube like crash course world history is good.

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