Thursday, August 13, 2015

Not just Pearl Harbour

Pearl Harbour and Normandy D Days may be the most. Remembered battle event of the World War two.

World Apart, the Europe theatre is still well know as its also a computer games favourite.
But for the
Pacific, it's not just and Pearl Harbour.

There is still the Battle of Midway.
The turning point of the Pacific Theatre against the fleet of Japanese Navy.
The imperial Japs,sea force is no weakling. Imagine it's has two Super,Battle Ship, the biggest Battleship,ever built. Over 70 thousand tonnes, with 18 inch cannon artillery.

There is also the Battle of Saipan and landing of Okinawa .
Sound too unfamiliar.
Remember aircraft Carrier ENTERPRISE ?.
He is the main star of the event.
( not the movie star trek Enterprise, but the real Historical Enterprise)

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